Attributes { Atm_type { Int16 _FillValue -999; String description "0-simple scene, 1-retrieved scene"; String units "none"; String long_name "Atmosphere type"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; } ChiSqr { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; String description "Convergence rate: <3-good,>10-bad"; String units "1"; Float32 valid_range 0.00000000, 1000.00000; String long_name "Chi-square statistic"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; } Freq { Float32 _FillValue NaN; String long_name "Central Frequency"; String units "GHz"; } LZ_angle { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; String units "degrees"; Float32 valid_range -70.0000000, 70.0000000; String long_name "Local zenith angle: (-59,59) degree"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; } Latitude { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; String long_name "Latitude of the view (-90,90)"; String units "degrees"; Float32 valid_range -90.0000000, 90.0000000; } Longitude { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; String long_name "Longitude of the view (-180,180)"; String units "degrees"; Float32 valid_range -180.000000, 180.000000; } Orb_mode { Int16 _FillValue -999; String description "0-ascending,1-descending"; String units "1"; Int32 valid_range 0, 1; String long_name "Orbital node"; } PTemp { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; Float32 valid_range 0.00000000, 1000.00000; String units "kelvins"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude Player"; String long_name "Temperature profile in K via unified resolution"; } PVapor { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; String units "g/kg"; Float32 valid_range 0.00000000, 100.000000; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude Player"; String long_name "Water vapor profile in g/kg via native resolution"; } Player { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; String description "Pressure for each layer in mb"; String units "millibars"; Float32 valid_range 0.0109999999, 1085.45801; String long_name "Layer-mean air pressure between vertical levels"; } Plevel { Float32 _FillValue -999.000000; String description "Pressure for each level in mb"; String units "millibars"; Float32 valid_range 0.00499999989, 1100.00000; String long_name "Air pressure at vertical levels"; } Polo { Int16 _FillValue 0; String units "none"; String long_name "Polarization type"; } Qc { String description "Qc(1): General validity flag (0-good,1-usable with problem ,2-bad); Qc(2): Algorithm convergence, presence of precipitation; Qc(3): Detection of temperature lapse rate; Qc(4): Information about quality of measurements (for details see MIRS_Users_Manual.pdf)"; String long_name "Product quality control flag"; String units "none"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; } RAzi_angle { Float32 _FillValue NaN; String long_name "Relative azimuth angle 0-360 degree"; String units "degrees"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; } SZ_angle { Float32 _FillValue NaN; String long_name "Solar zenith angle (-90,90) degree"; String units "degrees"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; } ScanTime_UTC { Float64 _FillValue -999.0000000000000; String long_name "Number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC"; Float64 valid_range 0.000000000000000, 86400.00000000000; String units "seconds"; } ScanTime_dom { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "Calendar day of the month 1-31"; Int32 valid_range 1, 31; String units "days"; } ScanTime_doy { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "julian day 1-366"; Int32 valid_range 1, 366; String units "days"; } ScanTime_hour { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "hour of the day 0-23"; Int32 valid_range 0, 23; String units "hours"; } ScanTime_minute { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "minute of the hour 0-59"; Int32 valid_range 0, 59; String units "minutes"; } ScanTime_month { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "Calendar month 1-12"; String units "months"; Int32 valid_range 1, 12; } ScanTime_second { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "second of the minute 0-59"; Int32 valid_range 0, 59; String units "seconds"; } ScanTime_year { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "Calendar Year 20XX"; String units "years"; Int32 valid_range 2011, 2050; } Sfc_type { Int16 _FillValue -999; String description "type of surface:0-ocean,1-sea-ice,2-land,3-snow"; String units "1"; Int32 valid_range 0, 3; String long_name "Surface type"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; } BT { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "Channel Temperature (K)"; Int32 valid_range 0, 50000; String units "kelvins"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude Freq"; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; } ChanSel { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "Channels Selection Used in Retrieval"; String units "1"; Int32 valid_range 0, 1; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude Freq"; } TPW { Int16 _FillValue -999; String long_name "Total Precipitable Water (mm)"; String units "mm"; Int32 valid_range 0, 2000; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude"; Float64 scale_factor 0.1000000000000000; } YM { Int16 _FillValue -999; Int32 valid_range 0, 50000; String long_name "Un-Corrected Channel Temperature (K)"; String units "kelvins"; String coordinates "Longitude Latitude Freq"; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; } NC_GLOBAL { Int32 missing_value -999; Int32 notretrievedproduct_value -888; Int32 noretrieval_value -99; Float64 cdf_version 4.000000000000000; Int32 alg_version 4141; String dap_version "v11r4"; String history "2024-11-14 06:37:14.972625 run_L1MIRSL2.R"; String source "Satellite observations: TROPICS 3"; String comment "1DVAR method was used to retrieve atmospheric properties"; String references "Boukabara, S, K. Garrett, C. Grassotti, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, W. Chen, Z. Jiang, S. A. Clough, X. Zhan, P. Liang, Q. Liu, T. Islam, V. Zubko, and A. Mims, 2013: A physical approach for a simultaneous retrieval of sounding, surface, hydrometeor, and cryospheric parameters from SNPP/ATMS. J Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, DOI: 10.1002/2013JD020448.2158438. Boukabara, S, K. Garrett, W. Chen, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, C. Grassotti, C. Kongoli, R. Chen, Q. Liu, B. Yan, F. Weng, R. Ferraro, T. Kleespies, and H. Meng, 2011: MiRS: An all-weather satellite data assimilation and retrieval system. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens., DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2158438."; String Conventions "CF-1.3"; String VersionID "MIRS v11.4"; String ShortName "TROPICS03MIRSL2B"; String LongName "Atmospheric Vertical Temperature & Moisture Profiles"; String Format "NetCDF-4"; String ProcessingLevel "L2b"; String Source "TROPICS03"; String title "Atmospheric Vertical Temperature & Moisture Profiles"; String orbit "07635"; String GranuleID ""; String ProductionDateTime "2024-11-14 06:44:05.000000"; String RangeBeginningTime "22:06:44.000000"; String RangeBeginningDate "2024-10-10"; String RangeEndingTime "23:40:59.000000"; String RangeEndingDate "2024-10-10"; String license ""; String dpc_software_delivery_id "20240906-1"; String dpc_version "1.0.1"; String inputs "", "", "GEOS.fp.fcst.inst3_3d_asm_Cp.20241010_18+20241010_2100.V01.nc4"; String BoundingBox_GPolygon "[[[-115.06978, 6.669253], [-110.67507, -0.090424076], [-105.42508, -8.155179], [-87.67599, 3.818202], [-92.61556, 12.176571], [-96.93604, 19.022982]], [[-96.93604, 19.022982], [-92.61556, 12.176571], [-87.67599, 3.818202], [-68.701805, 13.639928], [-72.92062, 22.838335], [-76.6551, 30.015303]], [[-76.29285, 30.198914], [-72.570984, 22.995102], [-68.37288, 13.776708], [-47.414043, 20.852991], [-49.764626, 30.449762], [-52.094715, 38.360622]], [[-52.094715, 38.360622], [-49.764626, 30.449762], [-47.414043, 20.852991], [-24.700228, 23.067198], [-24.470028, 32.83118], [-24.243431, 41.083035]], [[23.183922, 30.384846], [19.325573, 22.880344], [15.222324, 13.790189], [34.068035, 3.5660498], [39.0825, 12.133786], [43.51361, 19.221474]], [[43.51361, 19.221474], [39.0825, 12.133786], [34.068035, 3.5660498], [51.694687, -8.47268], [57.086525, -0.116865166], [61.572624, 6.8592234]], [[61.572624, 6.8592234], [57.086525, -0.116865166], [51.694687, -8.47268], [69.70171, -20.874994], [75.08729, -12.369875], [79.33082, -5.161452]], [[79.33082, -5.161452], [75.08729, -12.369875], [69.70171, -20.874994], [90.2632, -31.83908], [94.85943, -23.091496], [98.415405, -15.343028]], [[98.415405, -15.343028], [94.85943, -23.091496], [90.2632, -31.83908], [114.7497, -39.689278], [117.50168, -30.543522], [119.57944, -22.198982]], [[119.718666, -22.136757], [117.64093, -30.565878], [114.92488, -39.686222], [143.15042, -43.098454], [142.90784, -33.14126], [142.73466, -24.88755]], [[142.73466, -24.88755], [142.90784, -33.14126], [143.15042, -43.098454], [171.30911, -39.445774], [167.9869, -29.887018], [165.69756, -21.95117]], [[165.69756, -21.95117], [167.9869, -29.887018], [171.30911, -39.445774], [-164.77977, -30.597229], [-169.66176, -21.81228], [-173.26625, -14.43427]], [[-173.26625, -14.43427], [-169.66176, -21.81228], [-164.77977, -30.597229], [-144.87418, -18.985668], [-150.20375, -10.732066], [-154.39017, -3.8403883]], [[-154.39017, -3.8403883], [-150.20375, -10.732066], [-144.87418, -18.985668], [-129.5543, -8.249636], [-134.83186, -0.16569255], [-139.2248, 6.5770326]]]"; String Collection "1.0"; String IdentifierProductDOIAuthority ""; String IdentifierProductDOI "10.5067/G9A04IVOFQ88"; String DatacenterID "UWI-MAD/SSEC/DPC"; String project "NASA Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS)"; String creator_name "TROPICS Data Processing Center"; String creator_email ""; String creator_url ""; String creator_institution "Space Science & Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison"; String publisher_name "GESDISC"; String publisher_url ""; String publisher_email ""; String publisher_institution "NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC)"; String institution "Space Science & Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison"; String DatasetQuality "Development Product"; } }