pass_date: | 40483 |
pass_date\units: | std_date |
start_time: | 4043.000000000000 |
start_time\units: | std_time |
end_date: | 40483 |
end_date\units: | std_date |
end_time: | 0.000000000000000 |
end_time\units: | std_time |
satellite: | noaa-17 |
sensor_name: | amsub |
input_file: | SWATH_N17_AMSUB_S10306_010723_E10306_030147.hdf |
input_file\units: | hdf-eos |
tc_number: | 21L |
tc_name: | Tomas |
tc_basin: | north_atlantic |
overpass_date: | 2010/11/02 |
overpass_time: | 01:13:48 |
subtrack_dist: | 36.00000000000000 |
subtrack_dist\units: | km |
tc_latitude: | 13.50000000000000 |
tc_latitude\units: | degrees |
tc_longitude: | -70.50000000000000 |
tc_longitude\units: | degrees |
tc_winds: | 41.00000000000000 |
tc_winds\units: | m/s |
tc_pressure: | 1004.000000000000 |
tc_pressure\units: | hPa |
line\coord: | y |
line\scale: | 1.000000000000000 |
line\offset: | 60.00000000000000 |
sample\coord: | x |
sample\scale: | 1.000000000000000 |
sample\offset: | 0.000000000000000 |
LZ_angle: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: degrees missing_value: -32768.0000 valid_min: -3.40282347e+38 valid_max: 3.40282347e+38 |
RR: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: mm/hr missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
SZ_angle: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: degrees missing_value: -32768.0000 valid_min: -3.40282347e+38 valid_max: 3.40282347e+38 |
amsub_ch1: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: kelvin missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
amsub_ch2: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: kelvin missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
amsub_ch3: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: kelvin missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
amsub_ch4: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: kelvin missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
amsub_ch5: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: kelvin missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
date: | Array of 32 bit Integers [line = 0..168] units: std_date missing_value: -2147483648 valid_min: -2147483648 valid_max: 2147483647 |
latitude: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: std_latitude missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
longitude: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..168][sample = 0..89] units: std_longitude missing_value: -32768 valid_min: -32768 valid_max: 32767 scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000 |
time: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..168] units: std_time missing_value: -3.40282347e+38 valid_min: -3.40282347e+38 valid_max: 3.40282347e+38 |