Dataset Information

Server: DODS FreeFrom based on FFND release 4.2.3, DODS FreeFrom based on FFND release 4.2.3
Description: Version-6 SSM/I Ocean Product
latitude: latitude = 0.25*ydim-90.125
longitude: longitude = 0.25*xdim-0.125 degreesEast

Variables in this Dataset

time_a: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
wspd_a: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Surface Wind Speed
pass: ascending
description: wind speed 10 meters above the water surface, derived from surface roughness(wind stress); missing due to: sun glint; rain; near sea ice
units: meters/second
scale: 0.2
offset: 0.0
vapor_a: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Atmospheric Water Vapor
pass: ascending
description: total gaseous water contained in a vertical column of atmosphere; missing due to: heavy rain
units: millimeters
scale: 0.3
offset: 0.0
cloud_a: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Cloud Liquid Water
pass: ascending
description: total cloud liquid water contained in a vertical column of atmosphere; does not include rain or solid water (snow, ice)
units: millimeters
scale: 0.01
offset: 0.0
rain_a: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Rain Rate
pass: ascending
description: rate of liguid water precipitation, does not include solid water (snow, ice)
units: millimeters/hour
scale: 0.1
offset: 0.0
time_d: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
wspd_d: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Surface Wind Speed
pass: descending
description: wind speed 10 meters above the water surface, derived from surface roughness(wind stress); missing due to: sun glint; rain; near sea ice
units: meters/second
scale: 0.2
offset: 0.0
vapor_d: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Atmospheric Water Vapor
pass: descending
description: total gaseous water contained in a vertical column of atmosphere; missing due to: heavy rain
units: millimeters
scale: 0.3
offset: 0.0
cloud_d: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Cloud Liquid Water
pass: descending
description: total cloud liquid water contained in a vertical column of atmosphere; does not include rain or solid water (snow, ice)
units: millimeters
scale: 0.01
offset: 0.0
rain_d: Array of Bytes [lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
long_name: Rain Rate
pass: descending
description: rate of liguid water precipitation, does not include solid water (snow, ice)
units: millimeters/hour
scale: 0.1
offset: 0.0