Variables in this Dataset

Profile_Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Profile_Time
units: TAI seconds
format: Float_64
valid_range: 420300000.00000000, 962300000.00000000
comment: International Atomic Time (TAI) in elapsed seconds from January 1, 1993.
Profile_UTC_Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Profile_UTC_Time
units: yymmdd.ffffffff
format: Float_64
valid_range: 60428.000000000000, 230701.00000000000
comment: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC); format = yymmdd.ffffffff, where yy is a two digit data acquisition year number (06 to 23), mm is a month number (01 to 12), dd is a day number (1 to 31), and ffffffff is the elapsed fraction of the data acquisition day.
Profile_ID: Array of 32 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Profile_ID
format: Int_32
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 1, 228630
comment: Unique profile identifier generated sequentially for each single-shot profile record. Profile IDs are unique within each granule but not unique over multiple granules.
Land_Water_Mask: Array of 32 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Land_Water_Mask
format: Int_8
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 7
_FillValue: -9
comment: Surface type at the laser footprint provided by the CloudSat science team digital elevation model (DEM) (value - type): 0 - shallow ocean 1 - land 2 - coastlines 3 - shallow inland water 4 - intermittent water 5 - deep inland water 6 - continental ocean 7 - deep ocean
IGBP_Surface_Type: Array of 32 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: IGBP_Surface_Type
format: Int_8
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 1, 18
_FillValue: -9
comment: IGBP surface type at the laser footprint provided by the CERES/SARB surface map (value - type): 1 - Evergreen-Needleleaf-Forest 2 - Evergreen-Broadleaf-Forest 3 - Deciduous-Needleleaf-Forest 4 - Deciduous-Broadleaf-Forest 5 - Mixed-Forest 6 - Closed-Shrubland 7 - Open-Shrubland (Desert) 8 - Woody-Savanna 9 - Savanna 10 - Grassland 11 - Wetland 12 - Cropland 13 - Urban 14 - Crop-Mosaic 15 - Permanent-Snow 16 - Barren/Desert 17 - Water 18 - Tundra
Snow_Ice_Surface_Type: Array of Bytes [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Snow_Ice_Surface_Type
format: UInt_8
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 255
comment: Snow and ice coverage for the surface at the laser footprint provided by the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA). Values between 0 and 100 represent the percentage of ice, while 101=permanent ice, 103=snow, and 255=mixed pixels at coastlines.
Day_Night_Flag: Array of 32 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Day_Night_Flag
format: Int_8
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 1
comment: Lighting conditions at an altitude of ~24 km above mean sea level (value - lighting): 0 - daytime 1 - nighttime
Frame_Number: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Frame_Number
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 1, 11
comment: The number of current frame (5 km horizontal segment) within the sequence of 11 frames within a Payload Data Acquisition Cycle (PDAC).
Lidar_Mode: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Lidar_Mode
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 1, 6
comment: Lidar operations mode (value - mode): 1 - safe 2 - standby 3 - autonomous data collection 4 - built in test system (BITS) 5 - special operations 6 - diagnostic
Lidar_Submode: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Lidar_Submode
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 1, 25
comment: Lidar operations submode (value - submode): 1 - safe 2 - warm-up 3 - standby 4 - normal 5 - BITS profile #1, no background 6 - BITS profile #2, no background 7 - BITS profile #3, no background 8 - BITS profile #4, no background 9 - BITS profile #1, with background 10 - BITS profile #2, with background 11 - BITS profile #3, with background 12 - BITS profile #4, with background 13 - no baseline removal 14 - baseline measurement 15 - polarization calibration 16 - extended background measurement 17 - boresight alignment 18 - manual boresight operation 19 - boresight search 20 - build on-board baseline profiles 21 - baseline corrected high gain channel 22 - baseline corrected low gain channel 23 - uncorrected high gain channel 24 - uncorrected low gain channel 25 - diagnostic
Surface_Elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Elevation
units: km
format: Float_32
valid_range: -1.000000000, 9.000000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Surface elevation at the laser footprint, above local mean sea level, obtained from the CloudSat science team digital elevation model (DEM).
GMAO_Surface_Elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: GMAO_Surface_Elevation
units: km
format: Float_32
valid_range: -1.000000000, 9.000000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Surface elevation at the laser footprint, above local mean sea level, obtained from ancillary GMAO data. This is at a lower resolution as compared with Surface_Elevation.
Surface_Saturation_Flag_532Par: Array of Bytes [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Saturation_Flag_532Par
format: UInt_8
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 2
comment: Reports the likelihood that the surface signal in the 532 nm parallel channel is saturated (value - flag): 0 - not saturated 1 - possibly saturated 2 - certainly saturated
Surface_Saturation_Index_532Par: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Saturation_Index_532Par
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: -1, 582
_FillValue: -9999
comment: Reports the zero-based altitude index of the lowest range bin where the surface saturation flag is either "possibly saturated" or "certainly saturated" for the 532 nm parallel channel. For profiles classified as "not saturated", a value of -1 is reported.
Negative_Signal_Anomaly_Index_532Par: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Negative_Signal_Anomaly_Index_532Par
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: -1, 582
_FillValue: -9999
comment: Reports the zero-based altitude index of the lowest range bin where the negative signal anomaly is detected in the 532 nm parallel channel. For profiles where the negative signal anomaly is not detected, as value of -1 is reported.
Surface_Saturation_Flag_532Perp: Array of Bytes [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Saturation_Flag_532Perp
format: UInt_8
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 2
comment: Reports the likelihood that the surface signal in the 532 nm perpendicular channel is saturated (value - flag): 0 - not saturated 1 - possibly saturated 2 - certainly saturated
Surface_Saturation_Index_532Perp: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Saturation_Index_532Perp
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: -1, 582
_FillValue: -9999
comment: Reports the zero-based altitude index of the lowest range bin where the surface saturation flag is either "possibly saturated" or "certainly saturated" for the 532 nm perpendicular channel. For profiles classified as "not saturated", a value of -1 is reported.
Negative_Signal_Anomaly_Index_532Perp: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Negative_Signal_Anomaly_Index_532Perp
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: -1, 582
_FillValue: -9999
comment: Reports the zero-based altitude index of the lowest range bin where the negative signal anomaly is detected in the 532 nm perpendicular channel. For profiles where the negative signal anomaly is not detected, as value of -1 is reported.
Surface_Saturation_Flag_1064: Array of Bytes [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Saturation_Flag_1064
format: UInt_8
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 2
comment: Reports the likelihood that the surface signal in the 1064 nm channel is saturated (value - flag): 0 - not saturated 1 - possibly saturated 2 - certainly saturated
Surface_Saturation_Index_1064: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Saturation_Index_1064
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: -1, 582
_FillValue: -9999
comment: Reports the zero-based altitude index of the lowest range bin where the surface saturation flag is either "possibly saturated" or "certainly saturated" for the 1064 nm channel. For profiles classified as "not saturated", a value of -1 is reported.
Negative_Signal_Anomaly_Index_1064: Array of 16 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Negative_Signal_Anomaly_Index_1064
format: Int_16
units: NoUnits
valid_range: -1, 582
_FillValue: -9999
comment: Reports the zero-based altitude index of the lowest range bin where the negative signal anomaly is detected in the 1064 nm channel. For profiles where the negative signal anomaly is not detected, as value of -1 is reported.
Laser_Energy_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Laser_Energy_532
units: J
format: Float_32
comment: The laser energy at 532 nm measured by the laser energy monitor for each shot.
typical_range: 0.003...0.135
Perpendicular_Amplifier_Gain_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Perpendicular_Amplifier_Gain_532
units: V/V
format: Float_32
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Gain of the variable gain amplifier for the 532 nm perpendicular channel.
typical_range: 26.0...178.0
Parallel_Amplifier_Gain_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Parallel_Amplifier_Gain_532
units: V/V
format: Float_32
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Gain of the variable gain amplifier for the 532 nm parallel channel.
typical_range: 26.0...178.0
Perpendicular_Background_Monitor_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Perpendicular_Background_Monitor_532
units: count
format: Float_32
comment: Amplitude of the background signal measured using the 532 nm perpendicular channel background monitor and rescaled to science digitizer units.
typical_range: 120.0...6000.0
Parallel_Background_Monitor_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Parallel_Background_Monitor_532
units: count
format: Float_32
comment: Amplitude of the background signal measured using the 532 nm parallel channel background monitor and rescaled to science digitizer units.
typical_range: 6.0...6000.0
Depolarization_Gain_Ratio_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Depolarization_Gain_Ratio_532
format: Float_32
units: NoUnits
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Ratio of the opto-electric gains between the 532 nm perpendicular and 532 nm parallel channels, i.e. the polarization gain ratio (PGR). The 532 nm nighttime PGR is calculated from routine PGR calibration operations, in which a pseudo-depolarizer is inserted into the optical path to generate equal backscatter intensities in both the 532 nm channels. The 532 nm daytime PGR is calculated based on the Perpendicular and Parallel RMS Baseline measurements above optically thick ice clouds.
typical_range: 0.0...2.5
Depolarization_Gain_Ratio_Uncertainty_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Depolarization_Gain_Ratio_Uncertainty_532
format: Float_32
units: NoUnits
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Uncertainty in the 532 nm depolarization gain ratio (PGR) due to random noise computed based on the 532 nm parallel and perpendicular noise scale factors. Systematic errors are not included but are estimated to be small.
typical_range: 0.0...0.01
Calibration_Constant_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Calibration_Constant_532
units: (km^3 * sr * count)/J
format: Float_32
comment: Calibration constant at 532 nm reported for each single shot profile using a molecular normalization technique. Separate techniques are applied for day and night measurements.
typical_range: 3.0E10...8.0E10
Calibration_Constant_Uncertainty_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Calibration_Constant_Uncertainty_532
units: (km^3 * sr * count)/J
format: Float_32
comment: Estimated calibration uncertainty due to random noise in the 532 nm calibration constant, computed and reported for each single shot profile. Random uncertainties for calibration constants subsequently derived using a multi-orbit sliding window averaging are reduced from the single, individual sample estimate by the square root of the number of samples included in the average.
typical_range: 2.0E8...1.6E9
Total_Attenuated_Backscatter_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Lidar_Data_Altitudes = 0..582]
long_name: Total_Attenuated_Backscatter_532
units: 1/(km * sr)
format: Float_32
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Total attenuated backscatter coefficients at 532 nm, equal to the sum of the parallel and perpendicular channel 532 nm attenuated backscatter coefficients. Attenuated backscatter coefficients are derived from the calibrated, range-corrected, gain and laser energy normalized, background and baseline subtracted lidar return signal.
typical_range: -0.1...3.3
Perpendicular_Attenuated_Backscatter_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Lidar_Data_Altitudes = 0..582]
long_name: Perpendicular_Attenuated_Backscatter_532
units: 1/(km * sr)
format: Float_32
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Perpendicular channel component of the 532 nm total attenuated backscatter coefficients. Profiles of the parallel channel component of the 532 nm total attenuated backscatter coefficients can be obtained by subtraction of the perpendicular from the total.
typical_range: -0.08...1.7
Perpendicular_RMS_Baseline_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Perpendicular_RMS_Baseline_532
units: count
format: Float_32
comment: Root mean square (RMS) noise, in science digitizer counts, of the high-altitude baseline signal measured for each laser pulse over 1000 15 m samples acquired in the 65-80 km altitude range in the 532 nm perpendicular channel.
typical_range: 0.0...3200.0
Parallel_RMS_Baseline_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Parallel_RMS_Baseline_532
units: count
format: Float_32
comment: Root mean square (RMS) noise, in science digitizer counts, of the high-altitude baseline signal measured for each laser pulse over 1000 15 m samples acquired in the 65-80 km altitude range in the 532 nm parallel channel.
typical_range: 0.0...3200.0
Laser_Energy_1064: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Laser_Energy_1064
units: J
format: Float_32
comment: The laser energy at 1064 nm measured by the laser energy monitor for each shot.
typical_range: 0.038...0.12
Amplifier_Gain_1064: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Amplifier_Gain_1064
units: V/V
format: Float_32
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Gain of the variable gain amplifier for the 1064 nm channel.
typical_range: 102.0...195.0
Calibration_Constant_1064: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Calibration_Constant_1064
units: (km^3 * sr * count)/J
format: Float_32
comment: Calibration constant at 1064 nm reported for each single shot profile. CALIOP's 1064 nm channel is calibrated relative to the 532 nm channel using the backscatter from a carefully selected subset of cirrus cloud measurements. Unlike the 532 nm calibrations, at 1064 nm the same procedure is used for both daytime and nighttime calibrations.
typical_range: 4.0E9...1.0E10
Calibration_Constant_Uncertainty_1064: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Calibration_Constant_Uncertainty_1064
units: (km^3 * sr * count)/J
format: Float_32
comment: Estimated uncertainty in the 1064 nm calibration constant, computed and reported for each single shot profile. Unlike the 532 nm calibration constant uncertainties, the uncertainties reported for the 1064 nm calibration constants include contributions from both random errors, which can be reduced by averaging, and systematic biases, which cannot be reduced by averaging.
typical_range: 5.0E7...4.0E9
Attenuated_Backscatter_1064: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Lidar_Data_Altitudes = 0..582]
long_name: Attenuated_Backscatter_1064
units: 1/(km * sr)
format: Float_32
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Attenuated backscatter at 1064 nm, derived from the calibrated, range-corrected, gain and laser energy normalized, background and baseline subtracted lidar return signal. The first 33 bins of each profile contain fill values (-9999), because no 1064 nm data is downlinked from the 30.1 - 40 km altitude range.
typical_range: -0.04...2.5
RMS_Baseline_1064: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: RMS_Baseline_1064
units: count
format: Float_32
comment: Root mean square (RMS) noise, in science digitizer counts, of the high-altitude baseline signal measured for each laser pulse over 1000 15 m samples acquired in the 65-80 km altitude range in the 1064 nm channel.
typical_range: 200.0...1800.0
Molecular_Number_Density: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Met_Data_Altitudes = 0..32]
long_name: Molecular_Number_Density
units: molecules/m^3
format: Float_32
valid_range: 4.799999984e+22, 4.800000066e+25
comment: Molecular number density, for each profile, reported at the Met_Data_Altitudes resolution. Calculated from MERRA-2 data.
Ozone_Number_Density: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Met_Data_Altitudes = 0..32]
long_name: Ozone_Number_Density
units: molecules/m^3
format: Float_32
valid_range: 9.000000031e+16, 9.999999981e+18
comment: Ozone number density, for each profile, reported at the Met_Data_Altitudes resolution. Calculated from MERRA-2 data.
Temperature: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Met_Data_Altitudes = 0..32]
long_name: Temperature
units: degC
format: Float_32
valid_range: -120.0000000, 60.00000000
comment: Temperature, for each profile, reported at the Met_Data_Altitudes resolution. Provided by MERRA-2.
Pressure: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Met_Data_Altitudes = 0..32]
long_name: Pressure
units: hPa
format: Float_32
valid_range: 1.000000000, 1086.000000
comment: Pressure, for each profile, reported at the Met_Data_Altitudes resolution. Provided by MERRA-2.
Relative_Humidity: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Met_Data_Altitudes = 0..32]
long_name: Relative_Humidity
format: Float_32
units: %
valid_range: 0.000000000, 150.0000000
comment: Relative humidity, for each profile, reported at the Met_Data_Altitudes resolution. Provided by MERRA-2.
Surface_Wind_Speeds_02m: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Directions = 0..1]
long_name: Surface_Wind_Speeds_02m
units: m/s
format: Float_32
valid_range: -80.00000000, 80.00000000
comment: Surface wind speeds measured 2 m above the Earth's surface. First Dimension = eastward, zonal, u; Second Dimension = northward, meridional, v. Provided by MERRA-2.
Surface_Wind_Speeds_10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Directions = 0..1]
long_name: Surface_Wind_Speeds_10m
units: m/s
format: Float_32
valid_range: -80.00000000, 80.00000000
comment: Surface wind speeds measured 10 m above the Earth's surface. First Dimension = eastward, zonal, u; Second Dimension = northward, meridional, v. Provided by MERRA-2.
Tropopause_Height: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Tropopause_Height
units: km
format: Float_32
valid_range: 4.000000000, 22.00000000
comment: Tropopause height. Provided by MERRA-2.
Tropopause_Temperature: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Tropopause_Temperature
units: degC
format: Float_32
valid_range: -95.00000000, -20.00000000
comment: Tropopause temperature. Provided by MERRA-2.
Noise_Scale_Factor_532_Perpendicular: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Noise_Scale_Factor_532_Perpendicular
units: count^(1/2)
format: Float_32
comment: Noise scale factor (NSF) for each shot of the 532 nm perpendicular channel, computed from daytime measurement of the Perpendicular RMS Baseline 532 and the Perpendicular Background Monitor 532.
typical_range: 3.4...8.0
Noise_Scale_Factor_532_Parallel: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Noise_Scale_Factor_532_Parallel
units: count^(1/2)
format: Float_32
comment: Noise scale factor (NSF) for each shot of the 532 nm parallel channel, computed from daytime measurement of the Parallel RMS Baseline 532 and the Parallel Background Monitor 532.
typical_range: 4.0...8.0
Noise_Scale_Factor_1064: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Noise_Scale_Factor_1064
units: count^(1/2)
format: Float_32
comment: Noise scale factor (NSF) for the 1064 nm channel. CALIOP does not measure the background signal level at 1064 nm, because the APD detector dark noise is dominant during both nighttime and daytime measurement. For this reason, the procedure to estimate the NSF for the 532 nm channels cannot be used for the 1064 nm channel. The 1064 nm NSF is therefore set to 0, which causes negligible error because, as above, the APD detector dark noise is the dominant error source.
typical_range: 0.0
Perpendicular_Column_Reflectance_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Perpendicular_Column_Reflectance_532
format: Float_32
units: NoUnits
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Bi-directional column reflectance derived from the root-mean-square variation of the 532 nm perpendicular channel baseline measurements.
typical_range: 0.0...1.0
Perpendicular_Column_Reflectance_Uncertainty_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Perpendicular_Column_Reflectance_Uncertainty_532
format: Float_32
units: NoUnits
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Column reflectance uncertainty for the 532 nm perpendicular channel.
typical_range: 0.0...0.45
Parallel_Column_Reflectance_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Parallel_Column_Reflectance_532
format: Float_32
units: NoUnits
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Bi-directional column reflectance derived from the root-mean-square variation of the 532 nm parallel channel baseline measurements.
typical_range: 0.0...1.0
Parallel_Column_Reflectance_Uncertainty_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Parallel_Column_Reflectance_Uncertainty_532
format: Float_32
units: NoUnits
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Column reflectance uncertainty for the 532 nm parallel channel.
typical_range: 0.0...0.45
Reflectance_Calibration_Coefficient_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Reflectance_Calibration_Coefficient_532
format: Float_32
units: (W * 1/m^2 * 1/sr) / counts
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Calibration coefficient that converts the sum of the squares of the RMS baseline measurements (units = CALIOP science digitizer counts) to radiances (units = W * 1/m^2 * 1/sr).
typical_range: 4.9e-05...7.5e-05
Reflectance_Calibration_Coefficient_Uncertainty_532: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Reflectance_Calibration_Coefficient_Uncertainty_532
format: Float_32
units: (W * 1/m^2 * 1/sr) / counts
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Absolute uncertainty in the calibration coefficients that convert the sum of the squares of the RMS baseline measurements to radiances.
typical_range: 2.2e-06...3.8e-06
QC_Flag: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: QC_Flag
format: UInt_32
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 16777215
comment: Quality Control Flag #1 (bit - interpretation): bit 1 - 532 nm parallel channel missing bit 2 - 532 nm perpendicular channel missing bit 3 - 1064 nm channel missing bit 4 - Not geolocated bit 5 - Single shot 532 laser energy below calibration threshold (<0.01 J; near zero energy) bit 6 - Single shot 1064 laser energy below calibration threshold (< 0.0408 J; near zero energy) bit 7 - Historical value used for the depolarization gain ratio bit 8 - Historical calibration constant used, 532 nm parallel channel bit 9 - Historical calibration constant used, 532 nm perpendicular channel bit 10 - Historical calibration constant used, 1064 nm channel bit 11 - Averaged calibration constant used, 532 nm parallel channel bit 12 - Averaged calibration constant used, 532 nm perpendicular channel bit 13 - Single shot 532 laser energy below data quality threshold (< 0.05 J; low energy) bit 14 - Single shot 1064 laser energy below data quality threshold (< 0.05J; low energy) bit 15 - Near zero 532 nm laser energy profile included in region 3 average bit 16 - Near zero 1064 nm laser energy profile included in region 3 average bit 17 - Near zero 532 nm laser energy profile included in region 4 average bit 18 - Near zero 1064 nm laser energy profile included in region 4 average bit 19 - Near zero 532 nm laser energy profile included in region 5 average bit 20 - Low 532 nm laser energy profile included in region 3 average bit 21 - Low 1064 nm laser energy profile included in region 3 average bit 22 - Low 532 nm laser energy profile included in region 4 average bit 23 - Low 532 nm laser energy profile included in region 4 average bit 24 - Low 532 nm laser energy profile included in region 5 average bits 25...32 - Spare
QC_Flag_2: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: QC_Flag_2
format: UInt_32
units: NoUnits
valid_range: 0, 134217727
comment: Quality Control Flag #2 (bit - interpretation): bit 1 - Reserve bit 2 - Excessive digitizer underflows, 532 nm parallel channel in region 6 bit 3 - Excessive digitizer underflows, 532 nm perpendicular parallel channel, region 6 bit 4 - Excessive digitizer underflows, 1064 nm channel, region 6 bit 5 - Excessive digitizer overflows, 532 nm parallel channel, region 6 bit 6 - Excessive digitizer overflows, 532 nm perpendicular parallel channel, region 6 bit 7 - Excessive digitizer overflows, 1064 nm channel, region 6 bit 8 - Excessive digitizer overflows, 532 nm parallel channel, region 2 bit 9 - Excessive digitizer overflows, 532 nm perpendicular parallel channel, region 2 bit 10 - Excessive digitizer overflows, 1064 nm channel, region 2 bit 11 - LRE Flags in SAD packet indicate bad data, 532 nm parallel channel bit 12 - LRE Flags in SAD packet indicate bad data, 532 nm perpendicular channel bit 13 - LRE Flags in SAD packet indicate bad data, 1064 nm channel bit 14 - Quality Flags in SAD packet indicate bad data, 532 nm parallel channel bit 15 - Quality Flags in SAD packet indicate bad data, 532 nm perpendicular channel bit 16 - Quality Flags in SAD packet indicate bad data, 1064 nm channel bit 17 - Suspicious offset calculation, 532 nm parallel channel bit 18 - Suspicious offset calculation, 532 nm perpendicular channel bit 19 - Suspicious offset calculation, 1064 nm channel bit 20 - Suspicious mean signal value, 532 nm parallel channel (any/all regions) bit 21 - Suspicious mean signal value, 532 nm perpendicular channel (any/all regions) bit 22 - Suspicious mean signal value, 1064 nm channel (any/all regions) bit 23 - RMS noise out of range, 532 nm parallel channel bit 24 - RMS noise out of range, 532 nm perpendicular parallel channel bit 25 - RMS noise out of range, 1064 nm channel bit 26 - Near surface meteorological parameters were remapped to DEM surface altitude bit 27 - 1064 nm calibration coefficients suspect due to low temperatures associated with power up bits 28...32 Spare
Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Latitude
units: degrees_north
format: Float_32
valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Geodetic latitude of the laser footprint on the Earth's surface.
Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Longitude
units: degrees_east
format: Float_32
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Longitude of the laser footprint on the Earth's surface.
Off_Nadir_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Off_Nadir_Angle
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: 0.000000000, 10.00000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Angle of the lidar viewing vector; 0.3 degrees off-nadir from launch/first-light to 3.0 degrees after November 28, 2007.
Viewing_Zenith_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Viewing_Zenith_Angle
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: 0.000000000, 90.00000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Angle between the lidar viewing vector and the zenith at the lidar footprint on the surface.
Viewing_Azimuth_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Viewing_Azimuth_Angle
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Azimuth angle from north of the lidar viewing vector.
Solar_Zenith_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Solar_Zenith_Angle
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: 0.000000000, 180.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Angle between the zenith at the lidar footprint on the surface and the line of sight to the sun.
Solar_Azimuth_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Solar_Azimuth_Angle
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Azimuth angle from north of the line of sight to the sun.
Scattering_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Scattering_Angle
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: 0.000000000, 180.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Angle between the lidar viewing angle and the line of sight of the sun.
Surface_Altitude_Shift: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Surface_Altitude_Shift
units: km
format: Float_32
valid_range: -0.1500000060, 0.1500000060
comment: Altitude difference between the profile specific 30 meter altitude array and the fixed 30 meter altitude array at the array element that includes mean sea level. Profile specific altitude arrays are computed as a function of the actual spacecraft off-nadir angle, which varies slightly from the commanded spacecraft off-nadir angle. The difference is calculated as: Surface_Altitude_Shift = altitude (profile specific 30 meter mean sea level bin) - altitude (fixed 30 meter mean sea level bin); positive = shift up and negative = shift down.
Number_Bins_Shift: Array of 32 bit Integers [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Number_Bins_Shift
units: NoUnits
format: Int_32
valid_range: -8, 8
comment: Number of 30 meter bins shifted by the altitude registration algorithm to match the range bin at mean sea level in the measured profile to the range bin at mean sea level in the fixed altitude grid; positive = shift up and negative = shift down.
Spacecraft_Altitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Spacecraft_Altitude
units: km
format: Float_32
valid_range: 700.0000000, 740.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Altitude above mean sea level of the satellite.
Spacecraft_Position: Array of 64 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Coordinates = 0..2]
long_name: Spacecraft_Position
units: km
format: Float_64
valid_range: -8000.0000000000000, 8000.0000000000000
_FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
comment: Position (ECR coordinates) of the satellite.
Spacecraft_Velocity: Array of 64 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Coordinates = 0..2]
long_name: Spacecraft_Velocity
units: km/s
format: Float_64
valid_range: -10.000000000000000, 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
comment: Velocity (ECR coordinates) of the satellite.
Spacecraft_Attitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Coordinates = 0..2]
long_name: Spacecraft_Attitude
units: degrees
format: Float_64
valid_range: -180.00000000000000, 180.00000000000000
_FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
comment: Attitude (roll, pitch, yaw) of the satellite.
Spacecraft_Attitude_Rate: Array of 64 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Coordinates = 0..2]
long_name: Spacecraft_Attitude_Rate
units: degrees/s
format: Float_64
valid_range: -10.000000000000000, 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
comment: Change of attitude of the satellite.
Subsatellite_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Subsatellite_Latitude
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Latitude of the geodetic subsolar point, which is the point on the surface where the geodetic zenith vector points toward the satellite.
Subsatellite_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Subsatellite_Longitude
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Longitude of the geodetic subsolar point, which is the point on the surface where the geodetic zenith vector points toward the satellite.
Earth_Sun_Distance: Array of 64 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Earth-Sun_Distance
units: AU
format: Float_64
valid_range: 0.97999999999999998, 1.0200000000000000
comment: The distance from the Earth's surface to the Sun.
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Subsolar_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Subsolar_Latitude
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Latitude of the geodetic subsolar point, which is the point on the surface where the geodetic zenith vector points toward the Sun.
Subsolar_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Record_Number = 0..56084][Sample = 0..0]
long_name: Subsolar_Longitude
units: degrees
format: Float_32
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
_FillValue: -9999.000000
comment: Longitude of the geodetic subsolar point, which is the point on the surface where the geodetic zenith vector points toward the Sun.