Attributes { time { String long_name "reference time of sst file"; String standard_name "time"; String axis "T"; String units "seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00"; } lat { String long_name "latitude"; String standard_name "latitude"; String axis "Y"; String units "degrees_north"; Float32 valid_min -90.0000000; Float32 valid_max 90.0000000; String comment "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection"; } lon { String long_name "longitude"; String standard_name "longitude"; String axis "X"; String units "degrees_east"; Float32 valid_min -180.000000; Float32 valid_max 180.000000; String comment "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection"; } sea_surface_temperature { Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "sea surface subskin temperature"; String standard_name "sea_surface_subskin_temperature"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 273.1500000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -300; Int16 valid_max 4500; String depth "1 millimeter"; String source "GOES_Imager"; String comment "Temperature of the subskin of the ocean"; } sst_dtime { Int32 _FillValue -2147483648; String long_name "time difference from reference time"; String units "seconds"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 1.000000000000000; Int32 valid_min -2147483647; Int32 valid_max 2147483647; String comment "time plus sst_dtime gives seconds after 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1981"; } sses_bias { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "SSES bias estimate"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -127; Int16 valid_max 127; String comment "Bias estimate derived using the techniques described at"; } sses_standard_deviation { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "SSES standard deviation"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 1.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -127; Int16 valid_max 127; String comment "Standard deviation estimate derived using the techniques described at"; } dt_analysis { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "deviation from SST analysis or reference climatology"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.1000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -127; Int16 valid_max 127; String reference "OSTIA"; String comment "The difference between this SST and the previous day's SST analysis"; } wind_speed { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "10m wind speed"; String standard_name "wind_speed"; String units "m s-1"; String height "10 m"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 1.000000000000000; Int16 valid_min 0; Int16 valid_max 127; Float64 time_offset 0.000000000000000; String source "WSP-ECMWF-Forecast"; String comment "These wind speeds were created by the ECMWF and represent winds at 10 metres above the sea surface. "; } sea_ice_fraction { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "sea ice fraction"; String standard_name "sea_ice_area_fraction"; String units " "; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; Int16 valid_min 0; Int16 valid_max 100; Float64 time_offset 0.000000000000000; String source "ICE-OSISAF"; String comment "Fractional sea ice cover from OSISAF ice product"; } aerosol_dynamic_indicator { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "aerosol dynamic indicator"; String units " "; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.1000000000000000; Int16 valid_min 0; Int16 valid_max 127; String source "sources_of_adi"; String comment ""; } adi_dtime_from_sst { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "time difference of ADI data from sst measurement"; String units "hour"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.1000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -127; Int16 valid_max 127; String comment "Difference in hours between the ADI and SST data"; } sources_of_adi { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "sources of aerosol dynamic indicator"; Int16 valid_min 0; Int16 valid_max 2; String flag_meanings "no_data AOD-NAAPS-ADI SDI-OSISAF-ADI"; Int16 flag_values 0, 1, 2; String comment "This variable provides a pixel by pixel description of where aerosol optical depth were derived from."; } l2p_flags { String long_name "L2P flags"; Int16 valid_min 0; Int16 valid_max 15; String flag_meanings "microwave land ice lake"; Int16 flag_masks 1, 2, 4, 8; String comment "These flags are important to properly use the data."; } quality_level { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "quality level of SST pixel"; Int16 valid_min 0; Int16 valid_max 5; String flag_meanings "no_data bad_data worst_quality low_quality acceptable_quality best_quality"; Int16 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; String comment "These are the overall quality indicators and are used for all GHRSST SSTs"; } satellite_zenith_angle { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "satellite zenith angle"; String units "angular_degree"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 1.000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -90; Int16 valid_max 90; String comment "The satellite zenith angle at the time of the SST observations."; } solar_zenith_angle { Int16 _FillValue -128; String long_name "solar zenith angle"; String units "angular_degree"; Float64 add_offset 90.00000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 1.000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -90; Int16 valid_max 90; String comment "The solar zenith angle at the time of the SST observations."; } or_latitude { Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "original latitude of the SST value"; String standard_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -9000; Int16 valid_max 9000; String comment "Original latitude of the SST value"; } or_longitude { Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "original longitude of the SST value"; String standard_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; Float64 add_offset 0.000000000000000; Float64 scale_factor 0.01000000000000000; Int16 valid_min -18000; Int16 valid_max 18000; String comment "Original longitude of the SST value"; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "CF-1.4"; String title "Sea Surface Temperature"; String summary "The L3C product derived from GOES16/ABI brightness temperatures."; String references "Geostationary Sea Surface Temperature Product User Manual,"; String institution "OSISAF"; String comment ""; String license "All intellectual property rights of the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products belong to EUMETSAT. The use of these products is granted to every user, free of charge. If users wish to use these products, EUMETSAT's copyright credit must be shown by displaying the words 'Copyright EUMETSAT' under each of the products shown. EUMETSAT offers no warranty and accepts no liability in respect of the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products. EUMETSAT neither commits to nor guarantees the continuity, availability, or quality or suitability for any purpose of, the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products."; String id "GOES16-OSISAF-L3C-v1.0"; String product_id "OSI-207-b"; String naming_authority "org.ghrsst"; String product_version "1.0"; String gds_version_id "2.0"; Int32 file_quality_level 3; String spatial_resolution "0.05 degree"; Float32 northernmost_latitude 60.0000000; Float32 southernmost_latitude -60.0000000; Float32 easternmost_longitude -15.0000000; Float32 westernmost_longitude -135.000000; String source "GOES_ABI"; String platform "GOES16"; String sensor "GOES_ABI"; String Metadata_Conventions "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0"; String metadata_link "N/A"; String keywords "Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature "; String keywords_vocabulary "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"; String standard_name_vocabulary "NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention"; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north"; Float64 geospatial_lat_resolution 0.05000000000000000; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east"; Float64 geospatial_lon_resolution 0.05000000000000000; String acknowledgment "In case SAF data (pre-operational or operational) has been used for the study described in a paper the following sentence would be an appropriate reference to the funding coming from EUMETSAT: The data from the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Ocean & Sea Ice used in this study are accessible through the SAF's homepage"; String creator_name "O&SI SAF"; String creator_email ""; String creator_url ""; String project "Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature"; String publisher_name "The GHRSST Project Office"; String publisher_url ""; String publisher_email ""; String processing_level "L3C"; String cdm_data_type "grid"; String history "METEO-FRANCE GEOSAFO v1.1.8"; String uuid "DF556788-19E1-11ED-A08A-48DF370DAD10"; String date_created "20220812T015542Z"; String start_time "20220812T004042Z"; String time_coverage_start "20220812T004042Z"; String stop_time "20220812T011929Z"; String time_coverage_end "20220812T011929Z"; String netcdf_version_id "4.6.3"; } DODS_EXTRA { String Unlimited_Dimension "time"; } }