latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
crs: |
32 bit Integer grid_mapping_name: latitude_longitude
crs_wkt: GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]]
mean: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: daily mean
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Mean value of the day of the of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
mean: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: daily mean
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Mean value of the day of the of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
sd: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: daily standard deviation
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Standard deviation of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
sd: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: daily standard deviation
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Standard deviation of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
min: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: minimum
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Minimum value of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
min: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: minimum
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Minimum value of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
max: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: maximum
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Maximum value of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
max: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: maximum
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: Maximum value of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p05: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.05 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.05 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p05: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.05 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.05 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p10: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.10 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.10 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p10: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.10 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.10 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p15: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.15 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.15 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p15: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.15 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.15 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p20: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.20 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.20 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p20: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.20 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.20 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p25: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.25 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.25 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p25: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.25 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.25 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p30: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.30 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.30 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p30: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.30 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.30 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p35: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.35 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.35 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p35: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.35 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.35 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p40: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.40 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.40 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p40: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.40 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.40 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p45: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.45 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.45 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p45: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.45 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.45 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p50: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.50 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.50 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p50: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.50 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.50 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p55: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.55 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.55 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p55: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.55 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.55 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p60: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.60 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.60 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p60: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.60 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.60 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p65: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.65 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.65 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p65: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.65 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.65 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p70: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.70 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.70 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p70: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.70 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.70 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p75: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.75 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.75 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p75: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.75 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.75 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p80: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.80 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.80 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p80: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.80 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.80 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p85: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.85 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.85 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p85: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.85 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.85 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p90: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.90 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.90 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p90: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.90 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.90 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p95: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.95 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.95 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
p95: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: kg/m^2
long_name: 0.95 percentile
param_short_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: 0.95 percentile of the day of the year
param_name: total evapotranspiration
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X
p_value: |
Grid _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: -
long_name: p-value
param_short_name: EVPsfc
param_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: P-value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test for a gamma theoretical distribution
p_value: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..365][latitude = 0..194][longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: -
long_name: p-value
param_short_name: EVPsfc
param_name: EVPsfc
grid_mapping: crs
comment: P-value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test for a gamma theoretical distribution
time: |
Array of 32 bit Integers [time = 0..365] _FillValue: -9999
standard_name: time
calendar: gregorian
time_step: Day
units: Day of the year (leap year)
axis: T
latitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [latitude = 0..194] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_north
standard_name: latitude
axis: Y
longitude: |
Array of 32 bit Reals [longitude = 0..461] _FillValue: -9999.00000
units: degrees_east
standard_name: longitude
axis: X