Attributes { HDF_GLOBAL { String HDFEOSVersion "HDFEOS_V2.18"; String identifier_product_doi "10.5067/AQUA/AIRS/DATA301"; String identifier_product_doi_authority ""; } CoreMetadata { INVENTORYMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; ECSDATAGRANULE { LOCALGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"AIRS.2002.08.31.L3.RetStd001.v6.0.9.0.G13208034313.hdf\""; } PRODUCTIONDATETIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2013-07-27T07:43:14.000Z\""; } LOCALVERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Unspecified\""; } } MEASUREDPARAMETER { MEASUREDPARAMETERCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; QAFLAGS { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; String VALUE "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\"", "\"Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known.\""; } AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; String VALUE "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\""; } } QASTATS { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; Int32 VALUE 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; } } PARAMETERNAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"Surface Skin Temperature\"", "\"Surface Air Temperature\"", "\"Atmospheric Temperature\"", "\"Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio\"", "\"Total Precipitable Water Vapor\"", "\"Ozone Volume Mixing Ratio\"", "\"Total Ozone Burden\"", "\"Spectral IR Surface Emissivities\"", "\"Spectral IR Surf Bidirect Reflectivity\"", "\"MW Surface Brightness\"", "\"MW Emissivity\"", "\"Total Cloud Water\"", "\"Cloud Top Temperature\"", "\"Cloud Top Pressure\"", "\"Effective Cloud Fraction\"", "\"Geopotential Heights\"", "\"Geopotential Height of Surface\""; } } } COLLECTIONDESCRIPTIONCLASS { VERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 6; } SHORTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"AIRX3STD\""; } } INPUTGRANULE { INPUTPOINTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 650; String VALUE "\"L3h.land_sea_mask_1x1.v2.0.0.anc\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\"", "\"\""; } } SPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { HORIZONTALSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { BOUNDINGRECTANGLE { EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 180.0; } WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -180.0; } SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -90.0; } NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 90.0; } } } GRANULELOCALITY { LOCALITYVALUE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Global\""; } } } RANGEDATETIME { RANGEENDINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2002-09-01\""; } RANGEENDINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:00:00.000000Z\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2002-08-31\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:00:00.000000Z\""; } } PGEVERSIONCLASS { PGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"\""; } } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSOR { ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSORCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\"", "\"18\"", "\"19\"", "\"20\"", "\"21\"", "\"22\"", "\"23\"", "\"24\"", "\"25\"", "\"26\"", "\"27\"", "\"28\"", "\"29\"", "\"30\"", "\"31\"", "\"32\"", "\"33\"", "\"34\"", "\"35\"", "\"36\"", "\"37\"", "\"38\"", "\"39\"", "\"40\"", "\"41\""; 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} ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\"", "\"18\"", "\"19\"", "\"20\"", "\"21\"", "\"22\"", "\"23\"", "\"24\"", "\"25\"", "\"26\"", "\"27\"", "\"28\"", "\"29\"", "\"30\"", "\"31\"", "\"32\"", "\"33\"", "\"34\"", "\"35\"", "\"36\"", "\"37\"", "\"38\"", "\"39\"", "\"40\"", "\"41\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\""; } OPERATIONMODE { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\"", "\"18\"", "\"19\"", "\"20\"", "\"21\"", "\"22\"", "\"23\"", "\"24\"", "\"25\"", "\"26\"", "\"27\"", "\"28\"", "\"29\"", "\"30\"", "\"31\"", "\"32\"", "\"33\"", "\"34\"", "\"35\"", "\"36\"", "\"37\"", "\"38\"", "\"39\"", "\"40\"", "\"41\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\"", "\"Normal\""; } ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\"", "\"18\"", "\"19\"", "\"20\"", "\"21\"", "\"22\"", "\"23\"", "\"24\"", "\"25\"", "\"26\"", "\"27\"", "\"28\"", "\"29\"", "\"30\"", "\"31\"", "\"32\"", "\"33\"", "\"34\"", "\"35\"", "\"36\"", "\"37\"", "\"38\"", "\"39\"", "\"40\"", "\"41\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"HSB\"", "\"HSB\"", "\"HSB\"", "\"HSB\"", "\"HSB\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AMSU-A\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\"", "\"AIRS\""; } } } ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES { ADDITIONALATTRIBUTESCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\""; ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"NumBadData\"", "\"NumSpecialData\"", "\"NumProcessData\"", "\"NumMissingData\"", "\"NumTotalData\"", "\"NumFpe\"", "\"ProductGenerationFacility\"", "\"InputGranuleCount\"", "\"NumDaysPlanned\"", "\"NumDaysInCycle\"", "\"StartDayInAquaRepeat\"", "\"AIRSRunTag\"", "\"ProductGenerationHostInformation\"", "\"identifier_product_doi\"", "\"identifier_product_doi_authority\""; } INFORMATIONCONTENT { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\""; 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Float32 _FV_EmisIR_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_EmisIR_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Temperature_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Temperature_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfAirTemp_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropPres_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropPres_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropTemp_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotH2OVap_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_liquid_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropHeight_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_GPHeight_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudFrc_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopPres_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopTemp_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_FineCloudFrc_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotO3_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotO3_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_O3_VMR_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCO_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCO_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CO_VMR_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCH4_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CH4_VMR_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_OLR_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_OLR_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_ClrOLR_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_A_err -9999.000000; } descending { Int16 _FV_TotalCounts_D 0; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_EmisIR_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Temperature_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Temperature_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfAirTemp_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropPres_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropPres_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropTemp_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotH2OVap_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_liquid_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropHeight_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_GPHeight_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudFrc_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopPres_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopTemp_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_FineCloudFrc_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotO3_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotO3_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_O3_VMR_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCO_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCO_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CO_VMR_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCH4_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CH4_VMR_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_OLR_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_OLR_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_ClrOLR_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_D_err -9999.000000; } ascending_TqJoint { Int16 _FV_TotalCounts_TqJ_A 0; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_OLR_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_A_err -9999.000000; } descending_TqJoint { Int16 _FV_TotalCounts_TqJ_D 0; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_EmisIR_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropPres_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropTemp_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TropHeight_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudFrc_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotO3_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_O3_VMR_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCO_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CO_VMR_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCH4_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_OLR_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_OLR_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_ClrOLR_TqJ_D_err -9999.000000; } ascending_MW_only { Int16 _FV_TotalCounts_MW_A 0; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Emis_MW_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Temperature_MW_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_GPHeight_MW_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_err -9999.000000; } descending_MW_only { Int16 _FV_TotalCounts_MW_D 0; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Emis_MW_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Emis_MW_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_Temperature_MW_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Temperature_MW_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotH2OVap_MW_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_GPHeight_MW_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_GPHeight_MW_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_ct 0; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_sdev -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_min -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_max -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_err -9999.000000; } location { Float32 _FV_Latitude -9999.000000; Float32 _FV_Longitude -9999.000000; Int16 _FV_LandSeaMask 0; Float32 _FV_Topography -9999.000000; Int32 Year 2002; Int32 Month 8; Int32 Day 31; Int32 NumOfDays 1; String AscendingGridStartTimeUTC "2002-08-31T01:30:00.000000Z"; String AscendingGridEndTimeUTC "2002-09-01T01:29:59.999999Z"; String DescendingGridStartTimeUTC "2002-08-30T13:30:00.000000Z"; String DescendingGridEndTimeUTC "2002-08-31T13:29:59.999999Z"; Float32 StdPressureLev 1000.000000; Float32 H2OPressureLev 1000.000000; Float32 H2OPressureLay 961.7692261; Float32 EmisFreqIR 832.0000000; Float32 EmisFreqMW 23.79999924; Float32 CoarseCloudLayer 865.0000000; Float32 FineCloudLayer 1018.000000; } String Conventions "CF-1.0"; Longitude { String units "degrees_east"; String format "F6.1"; String standard_name "longitude"; String long_name "Longitude"; Float32 missing_value -9999.0; } Latitude { String units "degrees_north"; String format "F5.1"; String standard_name "latitude"; String long_name "Latitude"; Float32 missing_value -9999.0; } StdPressureLev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String format "F7.2"; } CoarseCloudLayer { String long_name "Mid-layer pressure"; String units "hPa"; String format "F7.2"; } FineCloudLayer { String long_name "Mid-layer pressure"; String units "hPa"; String format "F7.2"; } H2OPressureLev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String format "F7.2"; } H2OPressureLay { String long_name "Mid-layer Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String format "F7.2"; } EmisFreqIR { String long_name "Wavenumber"; String units "cm^-1"; String format "F5.1"; } EmisFreqMW { String long_name "Frequency"; String units "GHz"; String format "F5.1"; } TotalCounts_A { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure"; String long_name "Surface air pressure, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air pressure counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "surface_temperature"; String long_name "Surface temperature, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface temperature counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "emissivity"; String long_name "Infrared emissivity, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Infrared emissivity counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity minimum daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity error, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Air temperature, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Surface air temperature, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air temperature counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_pressure"; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_temperature"; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature stndard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_water_vapor_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air error, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_altitude"; String long_name "Tropopause altitude, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause altitude counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "geopotential_height"; String long_name "Geopotential height, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Geopotential height counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction"; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "1"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction error, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total ozone counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_monoxide"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_methane"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky counts, daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky standard deviation, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky minimum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky maximum, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky error, daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotalCounts_D { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure"; String long_name "Surface air pressure, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air pressure counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "surface_temperature"; String long_name "Surface temperature, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface temperature counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "emissivity"; String long_name "Infrared emissivity, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Infrared emissivity counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity minimum nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity error, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Air temperature, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Surface air temperature, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air temperature counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_pressure"; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_temperature"; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature stndard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_water_vapor_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air error, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_altitude"; String long_name "Tropopause altitude, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause altitude counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "geopotential_height"; String long_name "Geopotential height, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Geopotential height counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction"; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "1"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction error, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total ozone counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_monoxide"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_methane"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky counts, nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky standard deviation, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky minimum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky maximum, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky error, nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotalCounts_TqJ_A { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure"; String long_name "Surface air pressure, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air pressure counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "surface_temperature"; String long_name "Surface temperature, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface temperature counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "emissivity"; String long_name "Infrared emissivity, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Infrared emissivity counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity minimum TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Air temperature, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Surface air temperature, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air temperature counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_pressure"; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_temperature"; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature stndard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_water_vapor_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) nod e"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_altitude"; String long_name "Tropopause altitude, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause altitude counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "geopotential_height"; String long_name "Geopotential height, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Geopotential height counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction"; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total ozone counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_monoxide"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_methane"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky counts, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky standard deviation, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky minimum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky maximum, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky error, TqJoint daytime (ascending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotalCounts_TqJ_D { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure"; String long_name "Surface air pressure, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air pressure counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfPres_Forecast_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air pressure maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "surface_temperature"; String long_name "Surface temperature, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface temperature counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfSkinTemp_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface temperature error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "emissivity"; String long_name "Infrared emissivity, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Infrared emissivity counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity minimum TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } EmisIR_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Infrared emissivity error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqIR Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Air temperature, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Surface air temperature, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface air temperature counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } SurfAirTemp_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface air temperature error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_pressure"; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropPres_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air pressure maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_air_temperature"; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature stndard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropTemp_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause air temperature maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_water_vapor_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Lyr_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Layer mass fraction of water in dry air error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLay Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level mass fraction of water in dry air error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } H2O_MMR_Surf_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass fraction of water in dry air at surface error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "g/kg"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity at surface maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHum_liquid_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time H2OPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } RelHumSurf_liquid_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Relative humidity over liquid at surface maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "percent"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "tropopause_altitude"; String long_name "Tropopause altitude, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Tropopause altitude counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TropHeight_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Tropopause altitude maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "geopotential_height"; String long_name "Geopotential height, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Geopotential height counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction"; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudFrc_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Effective cloud area fraction error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopPres_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air pressure at cloud top error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CloudTopTemp_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature at cloud top error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } FineCloudFrc_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time FineCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudFrc_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudPres_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer pressure maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "hPa"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature_at_cloud_top"; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } CoarseCloudTemp_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Cloud coarse layer temperature maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time CoarseCloudLayer Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Total ozone counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotO3_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Total ozone error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "DU"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } O3_VMR_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of ozone in air error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_monoxide"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCO_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CO_VMR_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "atmosphere_mass_content_of_methane"; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCH4_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Atmosphere mass content of methane maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "mol/cm2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air"; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } CH4_VMR_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mole fraction of methane in air error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "ppmv"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } OLR_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky counts, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky standard deviation, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky minimum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky maximum, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } ClrOLR_TqJ_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky error, TqJoint nighttime (descending) node"; String units "W/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotalCounts_MW_A { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Counts, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "surface_microwave_emissivity"; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity counts, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity standard deviation, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity minimum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity maximum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Air temperature, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature counts, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature standard deviation, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature minimum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature maximum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_water_vapor_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer counts, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer standard deviation, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer minimum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer maximum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "geopotential_height"; String long_name "Geopotential height, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Geopotential height counts, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height standard deviation, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height minimum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height maximum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_liquid_water_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer counts, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer standard deviation, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer minimum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer maximum, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_A_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer error, microwave-only daytime (ascending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotalCounts_MW_D { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Counts, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "surface_microwave_emissivity"; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity counts, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity standard deviation, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity minimum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Emis_MW_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface microwave emissivity maximum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "GHz"; String coordinates "time EmisFreqMW Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "air_temperature"; String long_name "Air temperature, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Air temperature counts, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature standard deviation, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature minimum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } Temperature_MW_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Air temperature maximum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "K"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_water_vapor_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer counts, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer standard deviation, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer minimum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotH2OVap_MW_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of water vapor in atmosphere layer maximum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "geopotential_height"; String long_name "Geopotential height, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Geopotential height counts, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height standard deviation, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height minimum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } GPHeight_MW_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Geopotential height maximum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "m"; String coordinates "time StdPressureLev Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String standard_name "mass_content_of_liquid_water_in_atmosphere_layer"; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_ct { Int16 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer counts, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_sdev { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer standard deviation, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_min { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer minimum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_max { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer maximum, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } TotCldLiqH2O_MW_D_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Mass content of liquid water in atmosphere layer error, microwave-only nighttime (descending) node"; String units "kg/m2"; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } LandSeaMask { Int16 _FillValue 0; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } Topography { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String coordinates "time Latitude Longitude"; } time { String standard_name "time"; String units "days since 2002-01-01 00:00:00"; String _CoordinateAxisType "time"; } }