Attributes { HDF5_ROOT_GROUP { String Dataset "y", "lon", "lambert_conformal_conic", "time", "yearday", "nv", "lat", "prcp", "time_bnds", "x"; } H5_GLOBAL { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "H5_GLOBAL"; String _NCProperties "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.6.1|hdf5libversion=1.10.2"; Int32 _nc3_strict 1; Int16 start_year 2010; String source "Daymet Software Version 4.0"; String Version_software "Daymet Software Version 4.0"; String Version_data "Daymet Data Version 4.0"; String Conventions "CF-1.6"; String citation "Please see for current Daymet data citation information"; String references "Please see for current information on Daymet references"; } /y { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/y"; String CLASS "DIMENSION_SCALE"; String NAME "y"; Int32 _Netcdf4Dimid 1; String units "m"; String long_name "y coordinate of projection"; String standard_name "projection_y_coordinate"; } /lon { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/lon"; String units "degrees_east"; String long_name "longitude coordinate"; String standard_name "longitude"; } /lambert_conformal_conic { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/lambert_conformal_conic"; String grid_mapping_name "lambert_conformal_conic"; Float64 longitude_of_central_meridian -100.; Float64 latitude_of_projection_origin 42.5; Float64 false_easting 0.; Float64 false_northing 0.; Float64 standard_parallel 25., 60.; Float64 semi_major_axis 6378137.; Float64 inverse_flattening 298.25722356300003; } /time { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/time"; String CLASS "DIMENSION_SCALE"; String NAME "time"; Int32 _Netcdf4Dimid 2; String standard_name "time"; String calendar "standard"; String units "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String long_name "24-hour day based on local time"; } /yearday { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/yearday"; String long_name "day of year (DOY) starting with day 1 on Januaray 1st"; } /nv { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/nv"; String CLASS "DIMENSION_SCALE"; String NAME "This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable. 2"; Int32 _Netcdf4Dimid 3; } /lat { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/lat"; String units "degrees_north"; String long_name "latitude coordinate"; String standard_name "latitude"; } /prcp { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/prcp"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; String long_name "daily total precipitation"; String units "mm/day"; Float32 missing_value -9999.; String coordinates "lat lon"; String grid_mapping "lambert_conformal_conic"; String cell_methods "area: mean time: sum"; } /time_bnds { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/time_bnds"; } /x { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/x"; String CLASS "DIMENSION_SCALE"; String NAME "x"; Int32 _Netcdf4Dimid 0; String units "m"; String long_name "x coordinate of projection"; String standard_name "projection_x_coordinate"; } }