Dataset Information

CVS_Id: $Id$
prg_ID: Source file unknown Version unknown Date unknown
cmd_ln: bds -x 256 -y 128 -m 23 -o /data/zender/data/
history: Tue Oct 25 15:08:51 2005: ncks -O -x -v va -m Tue Oct 25 15:07:21 2005: ncks -d time,0 Tue Oct 25 13:29:43 2005: ncks -d time,0,239 /var/www/html/tmp/ Thu Oct 20 10:47:50 2005: ncks -A -v va /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/tas/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ Wed Oct 19 14:55:04 2005: ncks -F -d time,01,1200 /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ Wed Oct 19 14:53:28 2005: ncrcat /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ Wed Oct 19 14:50:38 2005: ncks -F -d time,05,1200 /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ Wed Oct 19 14:49:45 2005: ncrcat /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ /data/brownmc/sresa1b/atm/mo/va/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1/ Created from CCSM3 case b30.040a by on Wed Nov 17 14:12:57 EST 2004 For all data, added IPCC requested metadata
table_id: Table A1
title: model output prepared for IPCC AR4
institution: NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA)
source: CCSM3.0, version beta19 (2004): atmosphere: CAM3.0, T85L26; ocean : POP1.4.3 (modified), gx1v3 sea ice : CSIM5.0, T85; land : CLM3.0, gx1v3
project_id: IPCC Fourth Assessment
Conventions: CF-1.0
references: Collins, W.D., et al., 2005: The Community Climate System Model, Version 3 Journal of Climate Main website:
acknowledgment: Any use of CCSM data should acknowledge the contribution of the CCSM project and CCSM sponsor agencies with the following citation: 'This research uses data provided by the Community Climate System Model project (, supported by the Directorate for Geosciences of the National Science Foundation and the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy.' In addition, the words 'Community Climate System Model' and 'CCSM' should be included as metadata for webpages referencing work using CCSM data or as keywords provided to journal or book publishers of your manuscripts. Users of CCSM data accept the responsibility of emailing citations of publications of research using CCSM data to Any redistribution of CCSM data must include this data acknowledgement statement.
realization: 1
experiment_id: 720 ppm stabilization experiment (SRESA1B)
comment: This simulation was initiated from year 2000 of CCSM3 model run b30.030a and executed on hardware The input external forcings are ozone forcing : aerosol optics : aerosol MMR : carbon scaling : solar forcing : Fixed at 1366.5 W m-2 GHGs : GHG loss rates : volcanic forcing : none DMS emissions : oxidants : SOx emissions : Physical constants used for derived data: Lv (latent heat of evaporation): 2.501e6 J kg-1 Lf (latent heat of fusion ): 3.337e5 J kg-1 r[h2o] (density of water ): 1000 kg m-3 g2kg (grams to kilograms ): 1000 g kg-1 Integrations were performed by NCAR and CRIEPI with support and facilities provided by NSF, DOE, MEXT and ESC/JAMSTEC.
model_name_english: NCAR CCSM
Unlimited_Dimension: time

Variables in this Dataset

area: Grid
long_name: Surface area
units: meter2
area: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..127][lon = 0..255]
long_name: Surface area
units: meter2
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..127]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y
standard_name: latitude
bounds: lat_bnds
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [lon = 0..255]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X
standard_name: longitude
bounds: lon_bnds
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..127]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y
standard_name: latitude
bounds: lat_bnds
lat_bnds: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..127][bnds = 0..1]
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [lon = 0..255]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X
standard_name: longitude
bounds: lon_bnds
lon_bnds: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..255][bnds = 0..1]
msk_rgn: Grid
long_name: Mask region
units: bool
msk_rgn: Array of 32 bit Integers [lat = 0..127][lon = 0..255]
long_name: Mask region
units: bool
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..127]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y
standard_name: latitude
bounds: lat_bnds
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [lon = 0..255]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X
standard_name: longitude
bounds: lon_bnds
plev: Array of 64 bit Reals [plev = 0..16]
long_name: pressure
units: Pa
standard_name: air_pressure
positive: down
axis: Z
pr: Grid
comment: Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on machine eagle163s
missing_value: 1.00000002e+20
_FillValue: 1.00000002e+20
cell_methods: time: mean (interval: 1 month)
history: (PRECC+PRECL)*r[h2o]
original_units: m-1 s-1
original_name: PRECC, PRECL
standard_name: precipitation_flux
units: kg m-2 s-1
long_name: precipitation_flux
cell_method: time: mean
pr: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..0][lat = 0..127][lon = 0..255]
comment: Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on machine eagle163s
missing_value: 1.00000002e+20
_FillValue: 1.00000002e+20
cell_methods: time: mean (interval: 1 month)
history: (PRECC+PRECL)*r[h2o]
original_units: m-1 s-1
original_name: PRECC, PRECL
standard_name: precipitation_flux
units: kg m-2 s-1
long_name: precipitation_flux
cell_method: time: mean
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
calendar: noleap
standard_name: time
axis: T
units: days since 0000-1-1
bounds: time_bnds
long_name: time
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..127]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y
standard_name: latitude
bounds: lat_bnds
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [lon = 0..255]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X
standard_name: longitude
bounds: lon_bnds
tas: Grid
comment: Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on machine eagle163s
missing_value: 1.00000002e+20
_FillValue: 1.00000002e+20
cell_methods: time: mean (interval: 1 month)
history: Added height coordinate
coordinates: height
original_units: K
original_name: TREFHT
standard_name: air_temperature
units: K
long_name: air_temperature
cell_method: time: mean
tas: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..0][lat = 0..127][lon = 0..255]
comment: Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on machine eagle163s
missing_value: 1.00000002e+20
_FillValue: 1.00000002e+20
cell_methods: time: mean (interval: 1 month)
history: Added height coordinate
coordinates: height
original_units: K
original_name: TREFHT
standard_name: air_temperature
units: K
long_name: air_temperature
cell_method: time: mean
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
calendar: noleap
standard_name: time
axis: T
units: days since 0000-1-1
bounds: time_bnds
long_name: time
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..127]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y
standard_name: latitude
bounds: lat_bnds
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [lon = 0..255]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X
standard_name: longitude
bounds: lon_bnds
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
calendar: noleap
standard_name: time
axis: T
units: days since 0000-1-1
bounds: time_bnds
long_name: time
time_bnds: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0][bnds = 0..1]
ua: Grid
comment: Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on machine eagle163s
missing_value: 1.00000002e+20
cell_methods: time: mean (interval: 1 month)
long_name: eastward_wind
history: Interpolated U with NCL 'vinth2p_ecmwf'
units: m s-1
original_units: m s-1
original_name: U
standard_name: eastward_wind
_FillValue: 1.00000002e+20
ua: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..0][plev = 0..16][lat = 0..127][lon = 0..255]
comment: Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on machine eagle163s
missing_value: 1.00000002e+20
cell_methods: time: mean (interval: 1 month)
long_name: eastward_wind
history: Interpolated U with NCL 'vinth2p_ecmwf'
units: m s-1
original_units: m s-1
original_name: U
standard_name: eastward_wind
_FillValue: 1.00000002e+20
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
calendar: noleap
standard_name: time
axis: T
units: days since 0000-1-1
bounds: time_bnds
long_name: time
plev: Array of 64 bit Reals [plev = 0..16]
long_name: pressure
units: Pa
standard_name: air_pressure
positive: down
axis: Z
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..127]
long_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y
standard_name: latitude
bounds: lat_bnds
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [lon = 0..255]
long_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X
standard_name: longitude
bounds: lon_bnds