Attributes { HDF5_ROOT_GROUP { Metadata { AcquisitionInformation { platform { } radiometer { } radiometerDocument { } platformDocument { } } DataQuality { DomainConsistency { } CompletenessOmission { } } ProductSpecificationDocument { } SeriesIdentification { } DatasetIdentification { } Extent { Polar { } Global { } } QADatasetIdentification { } GridSpatialRepresentation { GridDefinition { } GridDefinitionDocument { } Polar { Column { } Row { } } Global { Column { } Row { } } } OrbitMeasuredLocation { } Lineage { OutputConfiguration { } MetadataConfiguration { } EASEGRID_LON_N { } RunConfiguration { } L1C_TB_E { } EASEGRID_LAT_N { } L3_FT_P_E { } InputConfiguration { } } ProcessStep { } } Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar { String Dataset "thaw_reference", "retrieval_algorithm_flag", "landcover_class", "EASE_row_index", "FT_SCV_threshold", "tbv_qual_flag", "open_water_body_fraction", "freeze_thaw_time_utc", "longitude", "transition_state_flag", "latitude", "altitude_std_dev", "retrieval_qual_flag", "tbh_qual_flag", "transition_direction", "tbv_error", "tbh_mean", "freeze_thaw", "data_sampling_density", "EASE_column_index", "freeze_thaw_time_seconds", "tbv_mean", "surface_flag", "altitude_dem", "tbh_error", "freeze_reference", "normalized_polarization_ratio", "reference_image_threshold"; } Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global { String Dataset "thaw_reference", "retrieval_algorithm_flag", "landcover_class", "EASE_row_index", "FT_SCV_threshold", "tbv_qual_flag", "open_water_body_fraction", "freeze_thaw_time_utc", "longitude", "transition_state_flag", "latitude", "altitude_std_dev", "retrieval_qual_flag", "tbh_qual_flag", "transition_direction", "tbv_error", "tbh_mean", "freeze_thaw", "data_sampling_density", "EASE_column_index", "freeze_thaw_time_seconds", "tbv_mean", "surface_flag", "altitude_dem", "tbh_error", "freeze_reference", "normalized_polarization_ratio", "reference_image_threshold"; } } /Metadata/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/"; String iso_19139_dataset_xml_md5 "4d5c6eadb702058258341c303fd54807"; String iso_19139_series_xml_md5 "f0c01e4aea5d342b07bd76458a6b6793"; String iso_19139_dataset_xml " SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_20241105_R19240_001.h5 eng utf8 dataset NSIDC DAAC > National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC pointOfContact 2014-06-17 ISO 19115-2 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009-02-15 2 column 2000 9 row 2000 9 area false false false SMAP Fixed Earth Grids, SMAP Science Document no: 033, May 11, 2009 2 column 3856 9 row 1624 9 area false false false SMAP Fixed Earth Grids, SMAP Science Document no: 033, May 11, 2009 SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_20241105_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation R19240 637477ca-bac3-49fb-be4b-8455ae425937 TBD … Open Software Foundation A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) SPL3FTP_E The ECS Short Name 004 gov.nasa.esdis The ECS Version ID Jet Propulsion Laboratory originator L3_FT_P_E The Calibration and Validation Version 2 Release of the Level 3 Daily Global Composite Freeze/Thaw State Science Processing Software. Daily global composite of up-to 30 half-orbit L1C_TB_E brightness temperature measurements by the SMAP radiometer during descending and ascending half-orbits at approximately 6 AM or 6 PM local solar time, respectively. The L3_FT_P_E product provides daily estimates of binary freeze-thaw state, retrieved from backscatter measurements acquired by the SMAP radiometer, using a seasonal change-detection algorithm. Data from both AM (descending) and PM (ascending) radiometer coverage are gridded at 9km resolution on a boreal polar grid at 9 km resolution. AM/PM transition flags indicate changes in freeze-thaw state between morning and evening observations. The software that generates the Level 3 FT_P product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. onGoing 2024-11-06 creation R19240 An ASCII product that contains statistical information on data product results. These statistics enable data producers and users to assess the quality of the data in the data product granule. crossReference grid eng utf8 geoscientificInformation Data product generated by the SMAP mission in HDF5 format with metadata that conforms to the ISO 19115 model. Freeze-thaw binary state is retrieved from gridded radiometer data on both descending (AM, fore/aft) and ascending (PM, fore/aft) SMAPhalf-orbits. The L3_FT_Pproduct includes polar projection data northward of 45N latitude. Freeze-thaw state retrieval is inhibited for areas with permanent snow/ice and excessive static or transient open water in the cell, and when there is excessive RFI in the sensor data. Retrievals may be flagged as questionable for urban areas, mountainous areas with high elevation variability, and for cells in which the seasonal (thawed-frozen) reference difference is much smaller than the radiometer measurement error. true -180 180 45 85.044502258300781 Freeze-thaw binary state is retrieved from gridded radiometer data on both descending (AM, fore/aft) and ascending (PM, fore/aft) SMAP half-orbits. The L3_FT_P product includes global projection data at all latitudes. Freeze-thaw state retrieval is inhibited for areas with permanent snow/ice and excessive static or transient open water in the cell, and when there is excessive RFI in the sensor data. Retrievals may be flagged as questionable for urban areas, mountainous areas with high elevation variability, and for cells in which the seasonal (thawed-frozen) reference difference is much smaller than the radiometer measurement error. true -180 180 -85.044502258300781 85.044502258300781 2024-11-05T00:00:00.000Z 2024-11-05T23:59:59.999Z attribute freeze_thaw Percent of freeze-thaw that are within the Acceptable Range. Percent of freeze-thaw measures in the data product that fall within a predefined acceptable range of measure. directInternal *undefined* percent 100 Percent of Missing Data Percent of grid cells that lack radar data relative to the total number of grid cells that fall within the mission acquisition mask. directInternal *undefined* percent 49.9090881347656 Freeze-thaw state retrieved from backscatter measurements acquired by the SMAP radar, using a seasonal change-detection algorithm. 2024-11-06T18:37:12.839Z Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission (SMAP) Science Data System (SDS) Operations Facility processor L3_FT_P_E_SPS L3_FT_P_E_SPS 2014-04-15 revision 002 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) SMAP Level3 Radar Freeze/Thaw Data Product (L3_FT_P) 2014-03-13 publication Version 1.0 Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Freeze-Thaw processing algorithm 2018-04-30 revision 002 Freeze-thaw state retrieved from brightness temperature measurements acquired by the SMAP radiometer, using a seasonal change-detection algorithm. A given measurement is compared to seasonal reference states for frozen and thawed conditions; measurements falling below the threshold are considered to represent frozen states, and measurements exceeding the threshold are considered to represent thawed states. Algorithm Theoetical Basis Document (ATBD) SMAP Level3 Radar Freeze/Thaw Data Product (L3_FT_P) 2014-03-04 publication Initial Release processingInformation uuid for ParameterVersionID ParameterVersionID string 002 processingInformation uuid for epochUTCDateTime epochUTCDateTime dateTime 2000-01-01T11:58:55.816Z processingInformation uuid for epochJulianDate epochJulianDate float 2.45154e+06 processingInformation uuid for timeVariableEpoch timeVariableEpoch string J2000 A configuration file that lists the entire content of the output Radiometer Level 3_FT_P_ product. SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_OutputConfig_L3_FT_P_E.xml 2024-11-06 creation R19240 OutputConfig A configuration file that specifies the source of the values for each of the data elements that comprise the metadata in the output Radiometer Level 3_FT_P product. SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_MetConfig_L1C_TB_E.xml 2024-11-06 creation R19240 MetConfig A configuration file generated automatically within the SMAP data system that specifies all of the conditions required for each individual run of the Radiometer Level 3 FT_P Science Processing Software (SPS). SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_20241106T191117973_R19240_004.RunConfig.xml 2024-11-06 creation R19240 RunConfig Precomputed longitude at each EASEGrid cell at 9 km resolution on north Polar Azimuthal Projection EZ2Lon_N09_002.float32 2024-11-06 creation 002 EASEGRID_LON_N The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_20241104_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52144_D_20241104T231216_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52145_A_20241105T000127_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52145_D_20241105T005041_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52146_A_20241105T013956_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52146_D_20241105T022911_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52147_A_20241105T031822_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52147_D_20241105T040737_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52148_A_20241105T045652_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52148_D_20241105T054607_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52149_A_20241105T063517_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52149_D_20241105T072432_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52150_A_20241105T081347_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52150_D_20241105T090258_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52151_A_20241105T095213_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52151_D_20241105T104127_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52152_A_20241105T113042_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52152_D_20241105T121953_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52153_A_20241105T130908_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52153_D_20241105T135823_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52154_A_20241105T144734_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52154_D_20241105T153648_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52155_A_20241105T162603_R19240_003.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52155_D_20241105T171518_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52156_A_20241105T180429_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52156_D_20241105T185344_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52157_A_20241105T194259_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52158_D_20241105T221039_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52159_A_20241105T225954_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52159_D_20241105T234905_R19240_001.h5 2024-11-06 creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 1C TB E data product. L1C_TB_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 1C TB E product. SMAP Radar Level 1C TB SPS 9 Precomputed latitude at each EASEGrid cell at 9km resolution on north Polar Azimuthal Projection EZ2Lat_N09_002.float32 2024-11-06 creation 002 EASEGRID_LAT_N The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection. creation doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47 gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 3 FT_P_E data product. L3_FT_P_E A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 3 FT_P_E product. SMAP Radar Level 3 FT_P SPS 9 A configuration file that specifies the complete set of elements within the input Level 1C TB Product that the Radiometer Level 3_FT_P Science Processing Software (SPS) needs in order to function. SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_InputConfig_L3_FT_P_E.xml 2024-11-06 creation R19240 InputConfig SMAP Handbook 2014-07-01 publication JPL CL#14-2285, JPL 400-1567 SMAP The SMAP observatory houses an L-band radiometer that operates at 1.414 GHz and an L-band radar that operates at 1.225 GHz. The instruments share a rotating reflector antenna with a 6 meter aperture that scans over a 1000 km swath. The bus is a 3 axis stabilized spacecraft that provides momentum compensation for the rotating antenna. publication SMAP SAR L-Band Polarimetric Radiometer The SMAP radiometer instrument employs an L-band conically scanned system s to achieve moderate resolution (36 km) brightness temperature measurements over a very wide 1000 km swath. SMAP Handbook 2014-07-01 publication JPL CL#14-2285, JPL 400-1567 SMAP RAD L-Band Radiometer The SMAP 1.414 GHz L-Band Radiometer processingInformation uuid for stopRevNumber stopRevNumber int 52159 processingInformation uuid for startRevNumber startRevNumber int 52144 processingInformation uuid for AntennaRotationRate AntennaRotationRate float 14.6 "; String iso_19139_series_xml " L3_FT_P_E eng utf8 series NSIDC DAAC > National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC pointOfContact 2014-04-15 ISO 19115-2 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009-02-15 SMAP Enhanced L3 Radiometer Global and Northern Hemisphere Daily 9 km EASE-Grid Freeze/Thaw State 2023-08-31 revision R19 SPL3FTP_E The ECS Short Name 004 gov.nasa.esdis The ECS Version ID doi:10.5067/NQLCDOZJYAKX gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) resourceProvider Jet Propulsion Laboratory originator documentDigital The Calibration and Validation Version 2 Release of the Level 3 Daily Global Composite Freeze/Thaw State Science Processing Software. Daily global composite of up-to 30 half-orbit L1C_TB files and estimated binary freeze/thaw state based on passive normalized polarization ratio measurements by the SMAP radiometer during descending and ascending half-orbits at approximately 6 AM or 6 PM local solar time, respectively. The SMAP L3_FT_P_E algorithm provides daily global composite of freeze/thaw state based on radiometer brightness temperature data on a 9 km grid. The software that generates the Level 3 Freeze/Thaw product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. onGoing National Snow and Ice Data Center distributor asNeeded 2017-04-01 series HDF5 1.8.13 EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > FREEZE/THAW EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > FREEZE/THAW EARTH SCIENCE > SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING > RADAR > SIGMA NAUGHT EARTH SCIENCE > SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING > RADAR > RADAR BACKSCATTER theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Active Remote Sensing > Imaging Radars > > SMAP L-BAND RADAR > SMAP L-Band Radar theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Earth Observation Satellites > NASA Decadal Survey > SMAP > Soil Moisture Active and Passive Observatory theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords GEOGRAPHIC REGION > NORTHERN HEMISPHERE theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords SMAP largerWorkCitation mission grid 9 eng utf8 geoscientificInformation Data product generated by the SMAP mission in HDF5 format with metadata that conforms to the ISO 19115 model. Freeze-thaw binary state is retrieved from radiometer brightness temperature data on both descending (AM, fore/aft) and ascending (PM, fore-only) SMAP half-orbits. The L3_FT_P_E product includes only data northward of 45N latitude. Freeze-thaw state retrieval is inhibited for areas with permanent snow/ice and excessive static or transient open water in the cell, and when there is excessive RFI in the sensor data. Retrievals may be flagged as questionable for urban areas, mountainous areas with high elevation variability, and for cells in which the seasonal (thawed-frozen) reference difference is much smaller than the radiometer measurement error. 1 -180.00 180.00 45.00 85.0445 2015-03-31T00:00:00.000Z 2020-12-31T00:00:00.000Z Product Specification Document for the SMAP Level 3 Freeze/Thaw Product (L3_FT_P/L3_FT_P_E) 2015-11-08 publication 1.0 L3_FT_P_E Short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 3 Freeze/Thaw product. documentDigital The Product Specification Document that fully describes the content and format of this data product. eng utf8 "; } /Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/"; } /Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/platform/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/platform/"; String description "The SMAP observatory houses an L-band radiometer that operates at 1.414 GHz and an L-band radar that operates at 1.225 GHz. The instruments share a rotating reflector antenna with a 6 meter aperture that scans over a 1000 km swath. The bus is a 3 axis stabilized spacecraft that provides momentum compensation for the rotating antenna."; Float32 antennaRotationRate 14.60000038; String identifier "SMAP"; } /Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/radiometer/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/radiometer/"; String description "The SMAP radiometer instrument employs an L-band conically scanned system s to achieve moderate resolution (36 km) brightness temperature measurements over a very wide 1000 km swath."; String type "L-Band Polarimetric Radiometer"; String identifier "SMAP SAR"; } /Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/radiometerDocument/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/radiometerDocument/"; String edition "JPL CL#14-2285, JPL 400-1567"; String title "SMAP Handbook"; String publicationDate "2014-07-01"; } /Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/platformDocument/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/AcquisitionInformation/platformDocument/"; String edition "JPL CL#14-2285, JPL 400-1567"; String title "SMAP Handbook"; String publicationDate "2014-07-01"; } /Metadata/DataQuality/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/DataQuality/"; String scope "freeze_thaw"; } /Metadata/DataQuality/DomainConsistency/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/DataQuality/DomainConsistency/"; String nameOfMeasure "Percent of freeze-thaw that are within the Acceptable Range."; String measureDescription "Percent of freeze-thaw measures in the data product that fall within a predefined acceptable range of measure."; String evaluationMethodType "directInternal"; String unitOfMeasure "percent"; Float32 value 100.; } /Metadata/DataQuality/CompletenessOmission/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/DataQuality/CompletenessOmission/"; String measureDescription "Percent of grid cells that lack radar data relative to the total number of grid cells that fall within the mission acquisition mask."; String nameOfMeasure "Percent of Missing Data"; String unitOfMeasure "percent"; Float32 value 49.90908813; String evaluationMethodType "directInternal"; } /Metadata/ProductSpecificationDocument/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProductSpecificationDocument/"; String language "eng"; String characterSet "utf8"; String edition "1.0"; String title "Product Specification Document for the SMAP Level 3 Freeze/Thaw Product (L3_FT_P/L3_FT_P_E)"; String publicationDate "2015-11-08"; String SMAPShortName "L3_FT_P_E"; } /Metadata/SeriesIdentification/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/SeriesIdentification/"; String identifier_product_DOI "doi:10.5067/NQLCDOZJYAKX"; String shortName "SPL3FTP_E"; String mission "SMAP"; String characterSet "utf8"; String resourceProviderOrganizationName "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)"; String language "eng"; String formatVersion "1.8.13"; String abstract "Daily global composite of up-to 30 half-orbit L1C_TB files and estimated binary freeze/thaw state based on passive normalized polarization ratio measurements by the SMAP radiometer during descending and ascending half-orbits at approximately 6 AM or 6 PM local solar time, respectively."; String status "onGoing"; String revisionDate "2023-08-31"; String credit "The software that generates the Level 3 Freeze/Thaw product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California."; String topicCategory "geoscientificInformation"; String purpose "The SMAP L3_FT_P_E algorithm provides daily global composite of freeze/thaw state based on radiometer brightness temperature data on a 9 km grid."; String format "HDF5"; String longName "SMAP Enhanced L3 Radiometer Global and Northern Hemisphere Daily 9 km EASE-Grid Freeze/Thaw State"; String maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency "asNeeded"; String pointOfContact "National Snow and Ice Data Center"; String CompositeReleaseID "R19"; String maintenanceDate "2017-04-01"; String spatialRepresentationType "grid"; String otherCitationDetails "The Calibration and Validation Version 2 Release of the Level 3 Daily Global Composite Freeze/Thaw State Science Processing Software."; } /Metadata/DatasetIdentification/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/DatasetIdentification/"; String shortName "SPL3FTP_E"; String characterSet "utf8"; String UUID "637477ca-bac3-49fb-be4b-8455ae425937"; String language "eng"; String ECSVersionID "004"; String abstract "Daily global composite of up-to 30 half-orbit L1C_TB_E brightness temperature measurements by the SMAP radiometer during descending and ascending half-orbits at approximately 6 AM or 6 PM local solar time, respectively."; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; String status "onGoing"; String credit "The software that generates the Level 3 FT_P product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California."; String topicCategory "geoscientificInformation"; String purpose "The L3_FT_P_E product provides daily estimates of binary freeze-thaw state, retrieved from backscatter measurements acquired by the SMAP radiometer, using a seasonal change-detection algorithm. Data from both AM (descending) and PM (ascending) radiometer coverage are gridded at 9km resolution on a boreal polar grid at 9 km resolution. AM/PM transition flags indicate changes in freeze-thaw state between morning and evening observations."; String fileName "SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_20241105_R19240_001.h5"; String CompositeReleaseID "R19240"; String originatorOrganizationName "Jet Propulsion Laboratory"; String SMAPShortName "L3_FT_P_E"; String spatialRepresentationType "grid"; String otherCitationDetails "The Calibration and Validation Version 2 Release of the Level 3 Daily Global Composite Freeze/Thaw State Science Processing Software."; } /Metadata/Extent/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Extent/"; String rangeBeginningDateTime "2024-11-05T00:00:00.000Z"; String rangeEndingDateTime "2024-11-05T23:59:59.999Z"; } /Metadata/Extent/Polar/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Extent/Polar/"; String description "Freeze-thaw binary state is retrieved from gridded radiometer data on both descending (AM, fore/aft) and ascending (PM, fore/aft) SMAPhalf-orbits. The L3_FT_Pproduct includes polar projection data northward of 45N latitude. Freeze-thaw state retrieval is inhibited for areas with permanent snow/ice and excessive static or transient open water in the cell, and when there is excessive RFI in the sensor data. Retrievals may be flagged as questionable for urban areas, mountainous areas with high elevation variability, and for cells in which the seasonal (thawed-frozen) reference difference is much smaller than the radiometer measurement error."; Float32 eastBoundLongitude 180.; Float32 westBoundLongitude -180.; Float32 southBoundLatitude 45.; Float32 northBoundLatitude 85.04450226; } /Metadata/Extent/Global/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Extent/Global/"; String description "Freeze-thaw binary state is retrieved from gridded radiometer data on both descending (AM, fore/aft) and ascending (PM, fore/aft) SMAP half-orbits. The L3_FT_P product includes global projection data at all latitudes. Freeze-thaw state retrieval is inhibited for areas with permanent snow/ice and excessive static or transient open water in the cell, and when there is excessive RFI in the sensor data. Retrievals may be flagged as questionable for urban areas, mountainous areas with high elevation variability, and for cells in which the seasonal (thawed-frozen) reference difference is much smaller than the radiometer measurement error."; Float32 eastBoundLongitude 180.; Float32 westBoundLongitude -180.; Float32 southBoundLatitude -85.04450226; Float32 northBoundLatitude 85.04450226; } /Metadata/QADatasetIdentification/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/QADatasetIdentification/"; String fileName ""; String abstract "An ASCII product that contains statistical information on data product results. These statistics enable data producers and users to assess the quality of the data in the data product granule."; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/"; String georeferencedParameters "SMAP Fixed Earth Grids, SMAP Science Document no: 033, May 11, 2009"; String cellGeometry "area"; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/GridDefinition/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/GridDefinition/"; String description "The Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid (EASE-Grid 2.0) is used for gridding satellite data sets. The EASE-Grid 2.0 is defined on the WGS84 ellipsoid to allow users to import data into standard GIS software formats such as GeoTIFF without reprojection."; String identifier "Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid"; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/GridDefinitionDocument/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/GridDefinitionDocument/"; String edition "EASE-Grid 2.0"; String title "EASE-Grid 2.0: Incremental but Significant Improvements for Earth-Gridded Data Sets (ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2012, 1, 32-45; doi:10.3390/ijgi1010032)"; String publicationDate "2012-03-31"; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Polar/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Polar/"; String orientationParameterAvailability "0"; String transformationParameterAvailability "0"; String controlPointAvailability "0"; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Polar/Column/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Polar/Column/"; UInt32 dimensionSize 2000; Float32 resolution 9.; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Polar/Row/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Polar/Row/"; UInt32 dimensionSize 2000; Float32 resolution 9.; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Global/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Global/"; String orientationParameterAvailability "0"; String transformationParameterAvailability "0"; String controlPointAvailability "0"; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Global/Column/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Global/Column/"; UInt32 dimensionSize 3856; Float32 resolution 9.; } /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Global/Row/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Global/Row/"; UInt32 dimensionSize 1624; Float32 resolution 9.; } /Metadata/OrbitMeasuredLocation/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/OrbitMeasuredLocation/"; Int32 stopRevNumber 52159; Int32 startRevNumber 52144; } /Metadata/Lineage/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/"; } /Metadata/Lineage/OutputConfiguration/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/OutputConfiguration/"; String description "A configuration file that lists the entire content of the output Radiometer Level 3_FT_P_ product."; String version "R19240"; String fileName "SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_OutputConfig_L3_FT_P_E.xml"; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; } /Metadata/Lineage/MetadataConfiguration/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/MetadataConfiguration/"; String description "A configuration file that specifies the source of the values for each of the data elements that comprise the metadata in the output Radiometer Level 3_FT_P product."; String version "R19240"; String fileName "SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_MetConfig_L1C_TB_E.xml"; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; } /Metadata/Lineage/EASEGRID_LON_N/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/EASEGRID_LON_N/"; String description "Precomputed longitude at each EASEGrid cell at 9 km resolution on north Polar Azimuthal Projection"; String version "002"; String fileName "EZ2Lon_N09_002.float32"; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; } /Metadata/Lineage/RunConfiguration/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/RunConfiguration/"; String description "A configuration file generated automatically within the SMAP data system that specifies all of the conditions required for each individual run of the Radiometer Level 3 FT_P Science Processing Software (SPS)."; String version "R19240"; String fileName "SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_20241106T191117973_R19240_004.RunConfig.xml"; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; } /Metadata/Lineage/L1C_TB_E/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/L1C_TB_E/"; String description "The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection."; String fileName "SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_20241104_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52144_D_20241104T231216_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52145_A_20241105T000127_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52145_D_20241105T005041_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52146_A_20241105T013956_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52146_D_20241105T022911_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52147_A_20241105T031822_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52147_D_20241105T040737_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52148_A_20241105T045652_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52148_D_20241105T054607_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52149_A_20241105T063517_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52149_D_20241105T072432_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52150_A_20241105T081347_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52150_D_20241105T090258_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52151_A_20241105T095213_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52151_D_20241105T104127_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52152_A_20241105T113042_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52152_D_20241105T121953_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52153_A_20241105T130908_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52153_D_20241105T135823_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52154_A_20241105T144734_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52154_D_20241105T153648_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52155_A_20241105T162603_R19240_003.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52155_D_20241105T171518_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52156_A_20241105T180429_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52156_D_20241105T185344_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52157_A_20241105T194259_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52158_D_20241105T221039_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52159_A_20241105T225954_R19240_001.h5", "SMAP_L1C_TB_E_52159_D_20241105T234905_R19240_001.h5"; String DOI "doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47"; String identifier "L1C_TB_E"; String creationDate "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-06"; Float32 resolution 9.; } /Metadata/Lineage/EASEGRID_LAT_N/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/EASEGRID_LAT_N/"; String description "Precomputed latitude at each EASEGrid cell at 9km resolution on north Polar Azimuthal Projection"; String version "002"; String fileName "EZ2Lat_N09_002.float32"; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; } /Metadata/Lineage/L3_FT_P_E/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/L3_FT_P_E/"; String description "The SMAP Level 1C_TB product provides radiometer brightness temperatures in half-orbit granules, gridded at 9 km grid resolution, on 3 EASE2 Earth-fixed grids - 1) Cylindrical projection, 2) Northern polar projection, 3) Southern polar projection."; String DOI "doi:10.5067/99LHDR3NUM47"; String identifier "L3_FT_P_E"; Float32 resolution 9.; } /Metadata/Lineage/InputConfiguration/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/Lineage/InputConfiguration/"; String description "A configuration file that specifies the complete set of elements within the input Level 1C TB Product that the Radiometer Level 3_FT_P Science Processing Software (SPS) needs in order to function."; String version "R19240"; String fileName "SMAP_L3_FT_P_E_SPS_InputConfig_L3_FT_P_E.xml"; String creationDate "2024-11-06"; } /Metadata/ProcessStep/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProcessStep/"; String processDescription "Freeze-thaw state retrieved from backscatter measurements acquired by the SMAP radar, using a seasonal change-detection algorithm."; String stepDateTime "2024-11-06T18:37:12.839Z"; String documentation "Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) SMAP Level3 Radar Freeze/Thaw Data Product (L3_FT_P)"; String epochUTCDateTime "2000-01-01T11:58:55.816Z"; String algorithmVersionID "002"; String softwareTitle "L3_FT_P_E_SPS"; String algorithmDate "2018-04-30"; String parameterVersionID "002"; String identifier "L3_FT_P_E_SPS"; String ATBDVersion "Initial Release"; String softwareDate "2014-04-15"; String ATBDDate "2014-03-04"; String SWVersionID "002"; String algorithmDescription "Freeze-thaw state retrieved from brightness temperature measurements acquired by the SMAP radiometer, using a seasonal change-detection algorithm. A given measurement is compared to seasonal reference states for frozen and thawed conditions; measurements falling below the threshold are considered to represent frozen states, and measurements exceeding the threshold are considered to represent thawed states."; String ATBDTitle "Algorithm Theoetical Basis Document (ATBD) SMAP Level3 Radar Freeze/Thaw Data Product (L3_FT_P)"; Float32 epochJulianDate 2451545.; String timeVariableEpoch "J2000"; String documentDate "2014-03-13"; String processor "Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission (SMAP) Science Data System (SDS) Operations Facility"; String algorithmTitle "Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Freeze-Thaw processing algorithm"; String documentVersion "Version 1.0"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/thaw_reference { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/thaw_reference"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate thawed conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/retrieval_algorithm_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/retrieval_algorithm_flag"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates whether the NPR change detection algorithm or the single-channel V-pol threshold algorithm was used to retrieve freeze-thaw state. A value of 0 indicates the NPR algorithm, a value of 1 indicates the SCV algorithm. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/landcover_class { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/landcover_class"; Byte _FillValue 254; String long_name "An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/EASE_row_index { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/EASE_row_index"; UInt16 valid_min 0; String long_name "The row index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; UInt16 valid_max 65535; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/FT_SCV_threshold { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/FT_SCV_threshold"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Threshold for the SCV algorithm based on reference V-pol TB to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbv_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbv_qual_flag"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String long_name "Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell"; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, 2048s, 4096s, 8192s, 16384s, 32768s"; String flag_meanings "Vertical_polarization_quality Vertical_polarization_range Vertical_polarization_RFI_detection Vertical_polarization_RFI_correction Vertical_polarization_NEDT Vertical_polarization_direct_sun_correction Vertical_polarization_reflected_sun_correction Vertical_polarization_reflected_moon_correction Vertical_polarization_direct_galaxy_correction Vertical_polarization_reflected_galaxy_correction Vertical_polarization_atmosphere_correction Vertical_polarization_Faraday_rotation_correction Vertical_polarization_null_value_bit Vertical_polarization_water_correction Vertical_polarization_RFI_check Vertical_polarization_RFI_clean"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/open_water_body_fraction { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/open_water_body_fraction"; Float32 valid_min 0.; String long_name "Fraction of the area of the grid cell surface covered by open water. Open water areas do not have vegetation at or on the water surface. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 1.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_thaw_time_utc { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_thaw_time_utc"; String long_name "Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in UTC. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String long_name "Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/transition_state_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/transition_state_flag"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates whether soil is in transitional state from AM to PM on the same day. 0 indicates state is not in transition, 1 indicates state is in transition."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String long_name "Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/altitude_std_dev { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/altitude_std_dev"; String units "meters"; String long_name "The standard deviation of the Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. This element provides a surface roughness measure. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_min 0.; Float32 valid_max 1000.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/retrieval_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/retrieval_qual_flag"; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; String long_name "Sequence of bit flags that indicate the conditions and the quality of the freeze-thaw retrieval. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s"; String flag_meanings "FT_Retrieval_attempted_flag High_water_fraction_flag Permanent_ice_flag Low_SCV_correlation_flag FT_mitigation_flag"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbh_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbh_qual_flag"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String long_name "Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell"; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, 2048s, 4096s, 8192s, 16384s, 32768s"; String flag_meanings "Horizontal_polarization_quality Horizontal_polarization_range Horizontal_polarization_RFI_detection Horizontal_polarization_RFI_correction Horizontal_polarization_NEDT Horizontal_polarization_direct_sun_correction Horizontal_polarization_reflected_sun_correction Horizontal_polarization_reflected_moon_correction Horizontal_polarization_direct_galaxy_correction Horizontal_polarization_reflected_galaxy_correction Horizontal_polarization_atmosphere_correction Horizontal_polarization_Faraday_rotation_correction Horizontal_polarization_null_value_bit Horizontal_polarization_water_correction Horizontal_polarization_RFI_check Horizontal_polarization_RFI_clean"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/transition_direction { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/transition_direction"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates transitional direction. 0 indicates AM frozen, PM thawed, 1 indicates AM thawed, PM frozen. Value is always zero if not in transition state."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbv_error { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbv_error"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Overall error measure for V-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell, includes calibration, RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbh_mean { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbh_mean"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Mean of H-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_thaw { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_thaw"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates whether soil within cell is frozen or thawed. A value of 0 implies thawed conditions, a value of 1 implies frozen. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/data_sampling_density { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/data_sampling_density"; String units "km"; String long_name "Total number of radiometer data samples in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_min 0.; Float32 valid_max 2.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/EASE_column_index { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/EASE_column_index"; UInt16 valid_min 0; UInt16 valid_max 65535; String long_name "The column index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_thaw_time_seconds { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_thaw_time_seconds"; String units "seconds"; String long_name "Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float64 valid_min -999999.90000000002; Float64 valid_max 999999.90000000002; Float64 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbv_mean { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbv_mean"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Mean of V-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/surface_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/surface_flag"; String long_name "Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell"; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, 2048s"; String flag_meanings "9_km_static_water_body_flag 9_km_high_static_water_body_fraction_flag 9_km_coastal_proximity_flag 9_km_urban_area_flag 9_km_precipitation_flag 9_km_snow_or_ice_flag 9_km_permanent_snow_or_ice_flag 9_km_radiometer_frozen_ground_flag 9_km_model_frozen_ground_flag 9_km_mountainous_terrain_flag 9_km_dense_vegetation_flag 9_km_nadir_region_flag"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/altitude_dem { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/altitude_dem"; String units "meters"; String long_name "The Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_min 0.; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbh_error { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/tbh_error"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Overall error measure for H-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell, includes calibration, RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_reference { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/freeze_reference"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate frozen conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/normalized_polarization_ratio { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/normalized_polarization_ratio"; Float32 valid_min -5.; String long_name "Normalized Tb polarization ratio at the Earth based grid cell, defined as (TBH-TBV)/(TBH+TBV). The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 5.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/reference_image_threshold { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/reference_image_threshold"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Threshold based on reference freeze and thaw to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Polar/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/thaw_reference { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/thaw_reference"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate thawed conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/retrieval_algorithm_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/retrieval_algorithm_flag"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates whether the NPR change detection algorithm or the single-channel V-pol threshold algorithm was used to retrieve freeze-thaw state. A value of 0 indicates the NPR algorithm, a value of 1 indicates the SCV algorithm. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/landcover_class { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/landcover_class"; Byte _FillValue 254; String long_name "An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/EASE_row_index { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/EASE_row_index"; UInt16 valid_min 0; String long_name "The row index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; UInt16 valid_max 65535; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/FT_SCV_threshold { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/FT_SCV_threshold"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Threshold for the SCV algorithm based on reference V-pol TB to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbv_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbv_qual_flag"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String long_name "Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell"; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, 2048s, 4096s, 8192s, 16384s, 32768s"; String flag_meanings "Vertical_polarization_quality Vertical_polarization_range Vertical_polarization_RFI_detection Vertical_polarization_RFI_correction Vertical_polarization_NEDT Vertical_polarization_direct_sun_correction Vertical_polarization_reflected_sun_correction Vertical_polarization_reflected_moon_correction Vertical_polarization_direct_galaxy_correction Vertical_polarization_reflected_galaxy_correction Vertical_polarization_atmosphere_correction Vertical_polarization_Faraday_rotation_correction Vertical_polarization_null_value_bit Vertical_polarization_water_correction Vertical_polarization_RFI_check Vertical_polarization_RFI_clean"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/open_water_body_fraction { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/open_water_body_fraction"; Float32 valid_min 0.; String long_name "Fraction of the area of the grid cell surface covered by open water. Open water areas do not have vegetation at or on the water surface. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 1.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_thaw_time_utc { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_thaw_time_utc"; String long_name "Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in UTC. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String long_name "Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/transition_state_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/transition_state_flag"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates whether soil is in transitional state from AM to PM on the same day. 0 indicates state is not in transition, 1 indicates state is in transition."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String long_name "Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/altitude_std_dev { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/altitude_std_dev"; String units "meters"; String long_name "The standard deviation of the Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. This element provides a surface roughness measure. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_min 0.; Float32 valid_max 1000.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/retrieval_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/retrieval_qual_flag"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String long_name "Sequence of bit flags that indicate the conditions and the quality of the freeze-thaw retrieval. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s"; String flag_meanings "FT_Retrieval_attempted_flag High_water_fraction_flag Permanent_ice_flag Low_SCV_correlation_flag FT_mitigation_flag"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbh_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbh_qual_flag"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String long_name "Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell"; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, 2048s, 4096s, 8192s, 16384s, 32768s"; String flag_meanings "Horizontal_polarization_quality Horizontal_polarization_range Horizontal_polarization_RFI_detection Horizontal_polarization_RFI_correction Horizontal_polarization_NEDT Horizontal_polarization_direct_sun_correction Horizontal_polarization_reflected_sun_correction Horizontal_polarization_reflected_moon_correction Horizontal_polarization_direct_galaxy_correction Horizontal_polarization_reflected_galaxy_correction Horizontal_polarization_atmosphere_correction Horizontal_polarization_Faraday_rotation_correction Horizontal_polarization_null_value_bit Horizontal_polarization_water_correction Horizontal_polarization_RFI_check Horizontal_polarization_RFI_clean"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/transition_direction { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/transition_direction"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates transitional direction. 0 indicates AM frozen, PM thawed, 1 indicates AM thawed, PM frozen. Value is always zero if not in transition state."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbv_error { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbv_error"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Overall error measure for V-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell, includes calibration, RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbh_mean { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbh_mean"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Mean of H-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_thaw { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_thaw"; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 1; String long_name "Boolean that indicates whether soil within cell is frozen or thawed. A value of 0 implies thawed conditions, a value of 1 implies frozen. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Byte _FillValue 254; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/data_sampling_density { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/data_sampling_density"; String units "km"; String long_name "Total number of radiometer data samples in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_min 0.; Float32 valid_max 2.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/EASE_column_index { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/EASE_column_index"; UInt16 valid_min 0; UInt16 valid_max 65535; String long_name "The column index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_thaw_time_seconds { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_thaw_time_seconds"; String units "seconds"; String long_name "Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float64 valid_min -999999.90000000002; Float64 valid_max 999999.90000000002; Float64 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbv_mean { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbv_mean"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Mean of V-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/surface_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/surface_flag"; String long_name "Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell"; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; UInt16 _FillValue 65534; String flag_masks "1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, 2048s"; String flag_meanings "9_km_static_water_body_flag 9_km_high_static_water_body_fraction_flag 9_km_coastal_proximity_flag 9_km_urban_area_flag 9_km_precipitation_flag 9_km_snow_or_ice_flag 9_km_permanent_snow_or_ice_flag 9_km_radiometer_frozen_ground_flag 9_km_model_frozen_ground_flag 9_km_mountainous_terrain_flag 9_km_dense_vegetation_flag 9_km_nadir_region_flag"; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/altitude_dem { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/altitude_dem"; String units "meters"; String long_name "The Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_min 0.; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbh_error { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/tbh_error"; String units "Kelvin"; String long_name "Overall error measure for H-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell, includes calibration, RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_reference { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/freeze_reference"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate frozen conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/normalized_polarization_ratio { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/normalized_polarization_ratio"; Float32 valid_min -5.; String long_name "Normalized Tb polarization ratio at the Earth based grid cell, defined as (TBH-TBV)/(TBH+TBV). The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 5.; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/reference_image_threshold { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/reference_image_threshold"; Float32 valid_min -999999.875; String long_name "Threshold based on reference freeze and thaw to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM=0) and PM (AMPM=1) observations are stored separately in the array."; String coordinates "/Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/latitude /Freeze_Thaw_Retrieval_Data_Global/longitude"; Float32 valid_max 999999.875; Float32 _FillValue -9999.; } }