Attributes { sst_dtime { Int16 _FillValue -32768; Float32 add_offset 0.00000000; String comment "time plus sst_dtime gives seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "time difference from reference time"; Float32 scale_factor 0.250000000; String units "seconds"; Int16 valid_max 32767; Int16 valid_min -32767; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } time { String axis "T"; String calendar "Gregorian"; String comment "Seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00"; String long_name "reference time of sst file"; String standard_name "time"; String units "seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00"; } satellite_zenith_angle { Int16 _FillValue -128; Float32 add_offset 0.00000000; String comment "satellite zenith angle"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "satellite zenith angle"; Float32 scale_factor 1.00000000; String units "degrees"; Int16 valid_max 90; Int16 valid_min -90; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } sea_surface_temperature { Int16 _FillValue -32768; Float32 add_offset 273.149994; String comment "SST obtained by collation algorithm"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "sea surface sub-skin temperature"; Float32 scale_factor 0.00999999978; String source "NOAA"; String standard_name "sea surface sub-skin temperature"; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 32767; Int16 valid_min -32767; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } brightness_temperature_08um6 { Int16 _FillValue -32768; Float32 add_offset 273.149994; String comment "non L2P core field; brightness temperature for 8.6 um channel ABI Ch. 11"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "brightness temperature for 8.6 um channel"; Float32 scale_factor 0.00999999978; String source "ABI channel 11"; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 32767; Int16 valid_min -32767; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } brightness_temperature_10um4 { Int16 _FillValue -32768; Float32 add_offset 273.149994; String comment "non L2P core field; brightness temperature for 10.4 um channel ABI Ch. 13"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "brightness temperature for 10.4 um channel"; Float32 scale_factor 0.00999999978; String source "ABI channel 13"; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 32767; Int16 valid_min -32767; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } brightness_temperature_11um2 { Int16 _FillValue -32768; Float32 add_offset 273.149994; String comment "non L2P core field; brightness temperature for 11.2 um channel ABI Ch. 14"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "brightness temperature for 11.2 um channel"; Float32 scale_factor 0.00999999978; String source "ABI channel 14"; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 32767; Int16 valid_min -32767; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } brightness_temperature_12um3 { Int16 _FillValue -32768; Float32 add_offset 273.149994; String comment "non L2P core field; brightness temperature for 12.3 um channel ABI Ch. 15"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "brightness temperature for 12.3 um channel"; Float32 scale_factor 0.00999999978; String source "ABI channel 15"; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 32767; Int16 valid_min -32767; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } sses_bias { Int16 _FillValue -128; Float32 add_offset 0.00000000; String comment "Bias is derived against Piecewise Regression SST produced by local regressions with buoys. Subtracting sses_bias from sea_surface_temperature producess more accurate SST at the depth of buoys Further information at (Petrenko et al., JTECH, 2016; doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0166.1)"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "SSES bias estimate"; Float32 scale_factor 0.0160000008; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 127; Int16 valid_min -127; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } sses_standard_deviation { Int16 _FillValue -128; Float32 add_offset 1.00000000; String comment "Standard deviation of sea_surface_temperature from SST measured by drifting buoys. Further information at (Petrenko et al., JTECH, 2016; doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0166.1)"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "SSES standard deviation"; Float32 scale_factor 0.00999999978; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 127; Int16 valid_min -127; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } dt_analysis { Int16 _FillValue -128; Float32 add_offset 0.00000000; String comment "Deviation from reference SST, i.e., dt_analysis = SST - reference SST"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "deviation from SST reference"; Float32 scale_factor 0.100000001; String source "CMC0.1deg-CMC-L4-GLOB-v2.0"; String units "kelvin"; Int16 valid_max 127; Int16 valid_min -127; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } wind_speed { Int16 _FillValue -128; Float32 add_offset 0.00000000; String comment "Typically represents surface winds (10 meters above the sea surface)"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String height "10 m"; String long_name "wind speed"; Float32 scale_factor 0.150000006; String source "Wind speed from NCEP GFS data"; String standard_name "wind_speed"; String units "m s-1"; Int16 valid_max 127; Int16 valid_min -127; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } sea_ice_fraction { Int16 _FillValue -128; Float32 add_offset 0.00000000; String comment "Fractional sea ice cover from reference SST"; String coordinates "nj ni"; String long_name "sea ice fraction"; Float32 scale_factor 0.00999999978; String source "CMC0.1deg-CMC-L4-GLOB-v2.0"; String standard_name "sea_ice_area_fraction"; String units "1"; Int16 valid_max 100; Int16 valid_min 0; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } l2p_flags { String comment "L2P common flags in bits 1-6 and data provider flags (from ACSPO mask) in bits 9-16: bit01 (0=IR: 1=microwave); bit02 (0=ocean; 1=land); bit03 (0=no ice; 1=ice); bits04-07 (reserved,set to 0); bit08 (0=anti-solar; 1=solar); bit09 (0=radiance valid; 1=invalid); bit10 (0=night; 1=day); bit11 (0=ocean; 1=land); bit12 (0=good quality data; 1=degraded quality data due to \"twilight\" region); bit13 (0=no glint; 1=glint); bit14 (0=no snow/ice; 1=snow/ice); bits15-16 (00=clear; 01=probably clear; 10=cloudy; 11=clear-sky mask undefined)"; String coordinates "nj ni"; Int16 flag_masks 1, 2, 4, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, -32768, -16384; String flag_meanings "microwave land ice solar invalid day land twilight glint ice probably_clear cloudy mask_undefined"; String long_name "L2P flags"; Int16 valid_max 32767; Int16 valid_min -32768; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } quality_level { Int16 _FillValue -128; String comment "SST quality levels: 5 corresponds to \"clear-sky\" pixels and is recommended for operational applications and validation."; String coordinates "nj ni"; String flag_meanings "no_data bad_data not_used not_used not_used best_quality"; Int16 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; String long_name "quality level of SST pixel"; Int16 valid_max 5; Int16 valid_min 0; String grid_mapping "geostationary"; } geostationary { String grid_mapping_name "geostationary"; Float64 semi_major_axis 6378137.000000000; Float64 semi_minor_axis 6356752.314245000; Float64 inverse_flattening 298.2572235630000; Float64 latitude_of_projection_origin 0.000000000000000; Float64 longitude_of_projection_origin 140.7000000000000; Float64 false_easting 0.000000000000000; Float64 false_northing 0.000000000000000; String horizontal_datum_name "WGS_1984"; String reference_ellipsoid_name "WGS 84"; String prime_meridian_name "Greenwich"; String geographic_crs_name "WGS 84"; String sweep_angle_axis "y"; Float64 perspective_point_height 35785863.00000000; } nj { String axis "Y"; String units "radians"; String long_name "y coordinate of projection"; String standard_name "projection_y_coordinate"; Float32 valid_min -0.153664023; Float32 valid_max 0.153664023; } ni { String axis "X"; String units "radians"; String long_name "x coordinate of projection"; String standard_name "projection_x_coordinate"; Float32 valid_min -0.153664023; Float32 valid_max 0.153664023; } NC_GLOBAL { Int32 CFAC 20466275; Float32 COFF 2750.50000; Float64 Coefficient_for_Sd 1737122264.000000; Float64 Dist_Virt_Sat 42164.00000000000; Float64 Earth_Radius_Equator 6378.137000000000; Float64 Earth_Radius_Polar 6356.752300000000; Int32 LFAC 20466275; Float32 LOFF 2750.50000; Float64 Nadir_latitude 0.01608585472523811; Float64 Nadir_longitude 140.2868114232432; Float64 Req2_info 1.006739501000000; Float64 Req_info 0.006694384400000000; Float64 Rpol_info 0.9933056160000000; Float64 SSP_latitude 0.008023876253465735; Float64 SSP_longitude 140.6555015429759; Float64 Sub_Lon 140.7000000000000; Float64 Sun_Pos 27451684.25751898, -132589315.0730202, -57476872.97469679; String destripe "no"; Float32 easternmost_longitude -138.078430; Float32 northernmost_latitude 81.0509872; Float32 southernmost_latitude -81.0509872; Float32 westernmost_longitude 59.4784317; String Conventions "CF-1.7"; String Metadata_Conventions "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0"; String acknowledgment "Please acknowledge the use of these data with the following statement: These data were provided by Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)."; String cdm_data_type "swath"; String comment "This file contains sea surface temperature data on the original geostationary projection grid. For details on how to generate latitude/longitude values from the grid metadata, please see the current CF-1.7 document ("; String creator_email ""; String creator_name "Alex Ignatov"; String creator_url ""; String gds_version_id "02.0"; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north"; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east"; String institution "NOAA/NESDIS/STAR"; String keywords "Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature"; String keywords_vocabulary "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"; String license "GHRSST protocol describes data use as free and open"; String naming_authority "org.ghrsst"; String netcdf_version_id "4.6.3 of Apr 2 2019 11:58:26 $"; String processing_level "L2P"; String project "Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature"; String publisher_email ""; String publisher_name "The GHRSST Project Office"; String publisher_url ""; String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table (v26, 08 November 2013)"; String history "Created by Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO)-AHI at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR."; String id "AHI_H08-STAR-L2P-v2.7"; String metadata_link ""; String platform "H08"; String references "Data convention: GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) v2.0. Algorithms: ACSPO-AHI (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR)"; String source "HS_H08_FLDK_L1B,CMC0.1deg-CMC-L4-GLOB-v2.0,NOAA-NCEP-GFS"; String summary "Sea surface temperature retrievals produced by NOAA/NESDIS/STAR from the AHI sensor."; String title "AHI L2P SST"; String date_created "20200102T023951Z"; Int16 file_quality_level 3; Float32 geospatial_lat_resolution 0.0179999992; Float32 geospatial_lon_resolution 0.0179999992; String sensor "AHI"; String spatial_resolution "2 km at nadir"; String product_version "2.70"; String start_time "20200102T000019Z"; String time_coverage_start "20200102T000019Z"; String stop_time "20200102T000939Z"; String time_coverage_end "20200102T000939Z"; String uuid "17492d1e-3ebe-4464-aa91-987eec7ef614"; String sst_luts "LUT_AHI_H08_L2C_DEPTH_DAYNIGHT_V01.02_20190213.txt"; String CollationVersion "1.17.0"; String CollationInput ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"; Int32 CollationMissingGranules 0; Int32 CollationAbnormalGranules 0; } }