Dataset Information

test: testing global attribute assignment
test2: So seemless!

Variables in this Dataset

/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/obs_qual_flag: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/obs_qual_flag
Description: Bit field capturing errors in Earth observation processing.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: IntBitfield32
/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_cfov: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_cfov
Description: Derived 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ObsRate_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_ifov: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_ifov
Description: Derived 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ObsRate_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_cfov: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_cfov
Description: Derived 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ObsRate_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_ifov: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_ifov
Description: Derived 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ObsRate_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_cfov: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_cfov
Description: Derived 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ObsRate_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_ifov: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_ifov
Description: Derived 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ObsRate_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/EnvDataRecords/cloud_liq_water: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /EnvDataRecords/cloud_liq_water
Description: Column liquid water
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: mm
/EnvDataRecords/edr_qual_flag: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /EnvDataRecords/edr_qual_flag
Description: Bit field capturing errors in EDR processing.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: IntBitfield32
/EnvDataRecords/precip_water_vapor: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /EnvDataRecords/precip_water_vapor
Description: Precipitable water vapor
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: mm
/EnvDataRecords/wind_speed: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /EnvDataRecords/wind_speed
Description: Wind speed
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: m/s
coordinates: ScanAlongTrack ScanCrossTrack
/GeolocationAndFlags/att_source_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/att_source_flag
Description: Attitude source; -1: unspecified, 0: transition, 1: flexcore nominal, 2: flexcore trac1 only, 3: flexcore trac2 only, 4: direct trac1, 5: direct trac2, 6: fixed tracker, 7: issbad sto.
Maximum: 7
Minimum: -1
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/earth_az_ang: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/earth_az_ang
Description: Satellite azimuth angle wrt Earth observation.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/earth_inc_ang: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/earth_inc_ang
Description: Satellite zenith angle wrt Earth observation.
Maximum: 180.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/earth_pol_rot: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/earth_pol_rot
Description: Geometric polarization rotation angle wrt vertical at Earth observation.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/eph_source_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/eph_source_flag
Description: Ephemeris source; -1: unspecified, 0: transition, 1: gps, 2: issbad sto.
Maximum: 2
Minimum: -1
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/fore_aft_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/fore_aft_flag
Description: 0: observation is forward scan, 1: observation is aft scan, -1: unknown.
Maximum: 1
Minimum: -1
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/instr_scan_ang: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/instr_scan_ang
Description: Boresight scan angle in the instrument coordinate frame.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/land_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/land_flag
Description: 0: ocean, 1: coast, 2: ice, -1: unknown.
Maximum: 1
Minimum: -1
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/obs_index: Array of 32 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/obs_index
Description: Orbit granule obs index array for chunking realignment.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed32
/GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lat
Description: Observation latitude on Earth WGS84 elipsoid.
Maximum: 90.
Minimum: -90.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lon
Description: Observation longitude on Earth WGS84 elipsoid.
Maximum: 180.
Minimum: -180.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/rain_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/rain_flag
Description: 0: no rain, 1: possible rain, 2: rain, -1: unknown.
Maximum: 1
Minimum: -1
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/rfi_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/rfi_flag
Description: COWVR RFI flag (0=no reflection)
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_alt: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_alt
Description: Satellite altitude above Earth WGS84 elipsoid.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: m
/GeolocationAndFlags/sc_att_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/sc_att_flag
Description: 0: nominal spacecraft attitude, 1: off-nominal spacecraft attitude, -1: unknown.
Maximum: 1
Minimum: -1
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/sc_scan_ang: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/sc_scan_ang
Description: Boresight scan angle relative to the spacecraft velocity vector in the spacecraft coordinate frame.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/sea_ice_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/sea_ice_flag
Description: 0: no ice, 1: possible ice, 2: ice, -1: unknown.
Maximum: 1
Minimum: -1
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/solar_array_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/solar_array_flag
Description: COWVR solar array obstruction flag (0=unobstructed).
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/sun_glint_ang: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/sun_glint_ang
Description: Angle between specular reflection vector and vector to Sun relative to surface normal.
Maximum: 180.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GeolocationAndFlags/support_arm_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/support_arm_flag
Description: COWVR support arm obstruction flag (0=unobstructed).
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Signed8
/GeolocationAndFlags/time_string: Array of Strings [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/time_string
Description: UTC Earth observation time.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: FixLenStr
/GeolocationAndFlags/time_tai93: Array of 64 bit Reals [ = 0..780199]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GeolocationAndFlags/time_tai93
Description: TAI93 Earth observation time.
Shape: ObsRate_Array
Type: Float64
Units: s
/GriddedAncillary/grid_anc_sst: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedAncillary/grid_anc_sst
Description: Ancillary NAVGEM derived sea surface temperature
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedAncillary/grid_anc_wind_dir: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedAncillary/grid_anc_wind_dir
Description: Ancillary wind direction relative to N.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedAncillary/grid_anc_wind_speed: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedAncillary/grid_anc_wind_speed
Description: Ancillary sea surface temperature.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: m/s
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_az_ang_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_az_ang_aft
Description: Resampled aft satellite azimuth angle wrt Earth observation.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_az_ang_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_az_ang_fore
Description: Resampled fore satellite azimuth angle wrt Earth observation.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_inc_ang_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_inc_ang_aft
Description: Resampled aft satellite zenith angle wrt Earth observation.
Maximum: 180.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_inc_ang_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_earth_inc_ang_fore
Description: Resampled fore satellite zenith angle wrt Earth observation.
Maximum: 180.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_idx_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_idx_aft
Description: Index to nearest aft observation in ObsRate dimension.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_idx_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_idx_fore
Description: Index to nearest fore observation in ObsRate dimension.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_instr_scan_ang_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_instr_scan_ang_aft
Description: Resampled boresight scan angle in the instrument coordinate frame.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_instr_scan_ang_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_instr_scan_ang_fore
Description: Resampled boresight scan angle in the instrument coordinate frame.
Maximum: 360.
Minimum: 0.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_land_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_land_flag
Description: 0: ocean, 1: land, 2: ambiguous, -1: unknown.
Maximum: 1
Minimum: -1
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Signed8
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_lat
Description: Observation latitude on earth WGS84 elipsoid.
Maximum: 90.
Minimum: -90.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_lon
Description: Observation latitude on earth WGS84 elipsoid.
Maximum: 180.
Minimum: -180.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float32
Units: deg
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_time_tai93_aft: Array of 64 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_time_tai93_aft
Description: Resampled aft TAI93 Earth observation time.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float64
Units: s
/GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_time_tai93_fore: Array of 64 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedGeolocationAndFlags/grid_time_tai93_fore
Description: Resampled fore TAI93 Earth observation time.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Array
Type: Float64
Units: s
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_aft
Description: Resampled 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_fore
Description: Resampled 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_std_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..1]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_std_aft
Description: Resampled spatial variance of aft observed 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_FirstTwoStokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_std_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..1]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb18_std_fore
Description: Resampled spatial variance of fore observed 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_FirstTwoStokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_aft
Description: Resampled 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_fore
Description: Resampled 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_std_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..1]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_std_aft
Description: Resampled spatial variance of aft observed 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_FirstTwoStokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_std_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..1]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb23_std_fore
Description: Resampled spatial variance of fore observed 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_FirstTwoStokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_aft
Description: Resampled 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..3]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_fore
Description: Resampled 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame).
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_Stokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_std_aft: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..1]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_std_aft
Description: Resampled spatial variance of aft observed 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_FirstTwoStokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_std_fore: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..2004][ = 0..173][ = 0..1]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /GriddedSceneTemperatures/grid_tb34_std_fore
Description: Resampled spatial variance of fore observed 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature.
Shape: ScanAlongTrack_ScanCrossTrack_FirstTwoStokes_Array
Type: Float32
Units: K
/Metadata/AncillaryDataDescriptors: Array of Strings [ = 0..6]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/AncillaryDataDescriptors
Description: The file names of the ancillary data files that were used to generate this product (ancillary data sets include all input files except for the primary input files).
Shape: AncFile_Array
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/BuildId: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/BuildId
Description: The ID of build which included the software that created this product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/ChunkNumber: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ChunkNumber
Description: A chunk counter used when the granule is subdivided for processing.
Shape: Scalar
Type: Signed16
/Metadata/CollectionLabel: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/CollectionLabel
Description: Label of the data collection containing this product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/DataFormatType: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/DataFormatType
Description: A character string thst indentifies the internal format of the data product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/GapStartTime: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/GapStartTime
Description: The timestamp after which a nonexistent, unnecessary, spurious, questionable, or erroneous data segment begins.
Shape: Gap_Array
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/GapStopTime: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/GapStopTime
Description: The timestamp before which a nonexistent, unnecessary, spurious, questionable, or erroneous data segment ends.
Shape: Gap_Array
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/GranuleNumber: Array of 32 bit Integers [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/GranuleNumber
Description: A granule counter for the mission.
Shape: Scalar
Type: Signed32
/Metadata/GranulePointer: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/GranulePointer
Description: The filename of this product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/HDFVersionId: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/HDFVersionId
Description: A character string that identifies the version of the HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) software that was used to generate this data file
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/InputPointer: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/InputPointer
Description: A pointer to one or more data granules that provide the major input that was used to generate this product.
Shape: InputPtr_Array
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/InstrumentShortName: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/InstrumentShortName
Description: The name of the instrument that collected the telemetry data.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/LongName: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/LongName
Description: A complete descriptive name for the data type of this product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/PlatformLongName: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/PlatformLongName
Description: The long name of the platform hosting the instrument.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/PlatformShortName: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/PlatformShortName
Description: The short name of the platform hosting the instrument.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/PlatformType: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/PlatformType
Description: The type of platform associated with the instrument which acquires the accompanying data.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/ProcessingLevel: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ProcessingLevel
Description: Indicates data level (Level 0, Level 1A, Level 1B, Level 1C, Level 2) in this product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/ProducerAgency: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ProducerAgency
Description: Identification of the agency that provides the project funding.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/ProducerInstitution: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ProducerInstitution
Description: Identification of the institution that provides project management.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/ProductionDateTime: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ProductionDateTime
Description: The date and time at which the product was created (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ).
Shape: Scalar
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/ProductionLocation: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ProductionLocation
Description: Facility in which this file was produced.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/ProductionLocationCode: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ProductionLocationCode
Description: One-letter code in filename indicating the ProductionLocation.
Shape: Scalar
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/ProjectId: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ProjectId
Description: The project identification string.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/QAGranulePointer: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/QAGranulePointer
Description: A pointer to the quality assessment product that was generated with this product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/RangeBeginningDate: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/RangeBeginningDate
Description: The date on which the earliest data contained in the product were acquired (yyyy-mm-dd).
Shape: Scalar
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/RangeBeginningTime: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/RangeBeginningTime
Description: The time at which the earliest data contained in the product were acquired (hh:mm:ss.mmmZ).
Shape: Scalar
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/RangeEndingDate: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/RangeEndingDate
Description: The date on which the latest data contained in the product were acquired (yyyy-mm-dd).
Shape: Scalar
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/RangeEndingTime: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/RangeEndingTime
Description: The time at which the latest data contained in the product were acquired (hh:mm:ss.mmmZ).
Shape: Scalar
Type: FixLenStr
/Metadata/SISName: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
Description: The name of the document describing the contents of the product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/SISVersion: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/SISVersion
Description: The version of the document describing the contents of the product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/ShortName: Array of Strings [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/ShortName
Description: The short name identifying the data type of this product.
Shape: Scalar
Type: VarLenStr
/Metadata/SizeMBECSDataGranule: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..0]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /Metadata/SizeMBECSDataGranule
Description: The size of this data granule in Megabytes.
Shape: Scalar
Type: Float32
Units: Megabytes