Attributes { HDF5_ROOT_GROUP { Ancillary { String Dataset "anc_mag", "anc_sst", "anc_tec", "anc_wind_dir", "anc_wind_speed", "far_rot_ang"; } CalibratedSceneTemperatures { String Dataset "obs_qual_flag", "solar_array_flag", "support_arm_flag", "ta18", "ta18_internal", "ta23", "ta23_internal", "ta34", "ta34_internal", "tb18_cfov", "tb18_earth", "tb18_ifov", "tb18_ifov_if", "tb23_cfov", "tb23_earth", "tb23_ifov", "tb23_ifov_if", "tb34_cfov", "tb34_earth", "tb34_ifov", "tb34_ifov_if"; } Calibration { String Dataset "cal_accum_time_string", "cal_accum_time_tai93", "cal_nd1_aa_diff", "cal_nd1_ar_diff", "cal_nd1_ra_diff", "cal_nd2_aa_diff", "cal_qual_flag", "cal_rr_count", "cal_smoothed_qual_flag", "cal_time_string", "cal_time_tai93", "ensemble_cal_qual_flag", "gain", "gain_mag_h", "gain_mag_h_smoothed", "gain_mag_v", "gain_mag_v_smoothed", "gain_smoothed", "inv_gain_smoothed", "offset", "offset_smoothed", "t_cal_matrix", "tnd1_stokes", "tnd2_stokes", "tref_stokes"; } ChannelOrderedCounts { String Dataset "rcfg1", "rcfg2", "ta18_counts", "ta23_counts", "ta34_counts"; } Dimensions { AncFile { } CalAccumRate { } CalRate { } DemuxCh { } EprPos { } Five { } FrameRate { } Gap { } History { } HkCh { } InputPtr { } MeasPerFrame { } MuxCh { } ObsPerFrame { } ObsRate { } PolMeas { } RowsPerFrame { } Spatial { } SpectralCh { } Stokes { } TempTimeCoef { } } FrameHeader { String Dataset "frame_index", "frame_qual_flag", "frame_time_string", "frame_time_tai93"; } GeolocationAndFlags { String Dataset "att_source_flag", "earth_az_ang", "earth_inc_ang", "earth_norm_ecr", "earth_pol_rot", "eph_source_flag", "fore_aft_flag", "instr_boresight_ecr", "instr_h_pol_ecr", "instr_scan_ang", "land_flag", "obs_index", "obs_lat", "obs_lon", "rain_flag", "sat_alt", "sat_caa", "sat_lat", "sat_lon", "sat_lunar_az", "sat_lunar_zen", "sat_pitch", "sat_pos_eci", "sat_pos_ecr", "sat_roll", "sat_solar_az", "sat_solar_zen", "sat_vel_ecr", "sat_yaw", "sc_att_flag", "sc_scan_ang", "sea_ice_flag", "sun_glint_ang", "time_string", "time_tai93"; } InstrumentTemperatures { String Dataset "hk_counts", "hk_counts_cal_hi", "hk_counts_cal_lo", "temp_cal_hi", "temp_cal_lo", "temp_coupler_h", "temp_coupler_v", "temp_dac", "temp_feed_horn", "temp_ns1", "temp_ns2", "temp_nsca_h", "temp_nsca_v", "temp_omt_h", "temp_omt_v", "temp_pbu2", "temp_pbu3", "temp_pcu1", "temp_pcu2", "temp_rech_1823", "temp_rech_34", "temp_rech_dplxr", "temp_recv_1823", "temp_recv_34", "temp_recv_dplxr", "temp_wg_h", "temp_wg_v"; } Metadata { String Dataset "AncillaryDataDescriptors", "BuildId", "CalSmoothingHalfWidth", "ChunkNumber", "CollectionLabel", "DataFormatType", "GranuleNumber", "GranulePointer", "HDFVersionId", "InputPointer", "InstrumentShortName", "LongName", "PlatformLongName", "PlatformShortName", "PlatformType", "ProcessingLevel", "ProducerAgency", "ProducerInstitution", "ProductionDateTime", "ProductionLocation", "ProductionLocationCode", "ProjectId", "QAGranulePointer", "RangeBeginningDate", "RangeBeginningTime", "RangeEndingDate", "RangeEndingTime", "SISName", "SISVersion", "ShortName", "SizeMBECSDataGranule"; } Shapes { AncFile_Array { } CalAccumRate_Array { } CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array { } CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array { } CalRate_Array { } CalRate_EprPos_Array { } CalRate_History_Array { } CalRate_HkCh_Array { } CalRate_MeasPerFrame_Array { } CalRate_MuxCh_Array { } CalRate_ObsPerFrame_Array { } CalRate_RowsPerFrame_Array { } CalRate_SpectralCh_Array { } CalRate_SpectralCh_Five_Five_Array { } CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array { } CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Stokes_Array { } CalRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array { } CalRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_PolMeas_Array { } FrameRate_Array { } FrameRate_DemuxCh_Array { } Gap_Array { } InputPtr_Array { } ObsRate_Array { } ObsRate_PolMeas_Array { } ObsRate_Spatial_Array { } ObsRate_SpectralCh_Array { } ObsRate_Stokes_Array { } Scalar { } TempTimeCoef_Array { } } } /Ancillary/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Ancillary/"; } /Ancillary/anc_mag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Ancillary/anc_mag"; String Description "Ancillary magnetic field vector."; String Shape "ObsRate_Spatial_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "uT"; } /Ancillary/anc_sst { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Ancillary/anc_sst"; String Description "Ancillary sea surface temperature."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /Ancillary/anc_tec { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Ancillary/anc_tec"; String Description "Line-of-sight ancillary total election current."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "TEC unit"; } /Ancillary/anc_wind_dir { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Ancillary/anc_wind_dir"; String Description "Ancillary wind direction relative to N."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /Ancillary/anc_wind_speed { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Ancillary/anc_wind_speed"; String Description "Ancillary sea surface temperature."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "m/s"; } /Ancillary/far_rot_ang { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Ancillary/far_rot_ang"; String Description "Faraday rotation angle computed from ancillary TEC and magnetic field information."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_SpectralCh_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/obs_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/obs_qual_flag"; String Description "Obs quality bit field (0=no_errors)"; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "IntBitfield32"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/solar_array_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/solar_array_flag"; String Description "COWVR solar array obstruction flag (0=unobstructed)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/support_arm_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/support_arm_flag"; String Description "COWVR support arm obstruction flag (0=unobstructed)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta18 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta18"; String Description "Dervied 18 GHz stokes antenna temperature at feedhorn."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta18_internal { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta18_internal"; String Description "Dervied 18 GHz stokes antenna temperature at internal calibration plane."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta23 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta23"; String Description "Dervied 23 GHz stokes antenna temperature at feedhorn."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta23_internal { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta23_internal"; String Description "Dervied 23 GHz stokes antenna temperature at internal calibration plane."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta34 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta34"; String Description "Dervied 34 GHz stokes antenna temperature at feedhorn."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta34_internal { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/ta34_internal"; String Description "Dervied 34 GHz stokes antenna temperature at internal calibration plane."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_cfov { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_cfov"; String Description "Dervied 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_earth { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_earth"; String Description "Dervied 18 GHz stokes antenna temperature integrated over the visible Earth."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_ifov { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_ifov"; String Description "Dervied 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (Earth polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_ifov_if { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb18_ifov_if"; String Description "Dervied 18 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (instrument polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_cfov { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_cfov"; String Description "Dervied 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_earth { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_earth"; String Description "Dervied 23 GHz stokes antenna temperature integrated over the visible Earth."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_ifov { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_ifov"; String Description "Dervied 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (Earth polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_ifov_if { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb23_ifov_if"; String Description "Dervied 23 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (instrument polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_cfov { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_cfov"; String Description "Dervied 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the composite field of view (Earth polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_earth { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_earth"; String Description "Dervied 34 GHz stokes antenna temperature integrated over the visible Earth."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_ifov { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_ifov"; String Description "Dervied 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (Earth polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_ifov_if { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/CalibratedSceneTemperatures/tb34_ifov_if"; String Description "Dervied 34 GHz stokes brightness temperature at the instantaneous field of view (instrument polarization frame)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /Calibration/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/"; } /Calibration/cal_accum_time_string { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_accum_time_string"; String Description "UTC time of calibration extraction."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_Array"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Calibration/cal_accum_time_tai93 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_accum_time_tai93"; String Description "TA93 time of calibration extraction."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "s"; } /Calibration/cal_nd1_aa_diff { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_nd1_aa_diff"; String Description "ND1 counts deflection for (v-ant, h-ant)."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "counts"; } /Calibration/cal_nd1_ar_diff { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_nd1_ar_diff"; String Description "ND1 counts deflection for (v-ant, h-ref)."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "counts"; } /Calibration/cal_nd1_ra_diff { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_nd1_ra_diff"; String Description "ND1 counts deflection for (v-ref, h-ant)."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "counts"; } /Calibration/cal_nd2_aa_diff { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_nd2_aa_diff"; String Description "ND2 counts deflection for (v-ant, h-ant)."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "counts"; } /Calibration/cal_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_qual_flag"; String Description "Bit field capturing errors in (single-point) calibration processing."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Array"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; } /Calibration/cal_rr_count { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_rr_count"; String Description "Counts for (v-ref, h-ref)."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "counts"; } /Calibration/cal_smoothed_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_smoothed_qual_flag"; String Description "Bit field capturing errors on smoothed calibration."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Array"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; } /Calibration/cal_time_string { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_time_string"; String Description "UTC time of current calibration point."; String Shape "CalRate_Array"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Calibration/cal_time_tai93 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/cal_time_tai93"; String Description "TA93 time of current calibration point."; String Shape "CalRate_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "s"; } /Calibration/ensemble_cal_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/ensemble_cal_qual_flag"; String Description "Bit field capturing errors on per-cal calibration."; String Shape "CalRate_Array"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; } /Calibration/gain { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/gain"; String Description "Derived 6x4 gain matrix that relates 6-element counts vector to 4-element TA vector."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts/K"; } /Calibration/gain_mag_h { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/gain_mag_h"; String Description "Gain magnitude scale factor on hPol elements of gain matrix."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts/K"; } /Calibration/gain_mag_h_smoothed { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/gain_mag_h_smoothed"; String Description "Gain magnitude for hPol at calibration time after weigthed smoothing across multiple calibrations."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts/K"; } /Calibration/gain_mag_v { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/gain_mag_v"; String Description "Gain magnitude scale factor on vPol elements of gain matrix."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts/K"; } /Calibration/gain_mag_v_smoothed { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/gain_mag_v_smoothed"; String Description "Gain magnitude for hPol at calibration time after weigthed smoothing across multiple calibrations."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts/K"; } /Calibration/gain_smoothed { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/gain_smoothed"; String Description "Gain matrix at calibration time after weigthed smoothing across multiple calibrations."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts/K"; } /Calibration/inv_gain_smoothed { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/inv_gain_smoothed"; String Description "Inverse of smoothed gain matrix."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "K/counts"; } /Calibration/offset { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/offset"; String Description "Derived 6-element gain offset vector."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts"; } /Calibration/offset_smoothed { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/offset_smoothed"; String Description "Gain offset at calibration time after weigthed smoothing across multiple calibrations."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "counts"; } /Calibration/t_cal_matrix { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/t_cal_matrix"; String Description "Intermediate 5x5 tcal matrix."; String Shape "CalRate_SpectralCh_Five_Five_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /Calibration/tnd1_stokes { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/tnd1_stokes"; String Description "Effective stokes noise temperatures for source #1."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /Calibration/tnd2_stokes { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/tnd2_stokes"; String Description "Effective stokes noise temperatures for source #2."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /Calibration/tref_stokes { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Calibration/tref_stokes"; String Description "Reference stokes temperatures."; String Shape "CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /ChannelOrderedCounts/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/ChannelOrderedCounts/"; } /ChannelOrderedCounts/rcfg1 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/ChannelOrderedCounts/rcfg1"; String Description "Instrument radiometer configuration for current acquisition; b7: ND13; b6: ND12; b5: ND11; b4: RF1; F3: Dicke1; b0-b2: Spare."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Unsigned8"; } /ChannelOrderedCounts/rcfg2 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/ChannelOrderedCounts/rcfg2"; String Description "Instrument radiometer configuration for current acquisition; b7: ND13; b6: ND12; b5: ND11; b4: RF1; F3: Dicke1; b0-b2: Spare."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Unsigned8"; } /ChannelOrderedCounts/ta18_counts { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/ChannelOrderedCounts/ta18_counts"; String Description "Raw detector counts per measured polarization (V, H, P, M, L, R) for 18 GHz channel."; String Shape "ObsRate_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String Units "counts"; } /ChannelOrderedCounts/ta23_counts { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/ChannelOrderedCounts/ta23_counts"; String Description "Raw detector counts per measured polarization (V, H, P, M, L, R) for 23 GHz channel."; String Shape "ObsRate_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String Units "counts"; } /ChannelOrderedCounts/ta34_counts { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/ChannelOrderedCounts/ta34_counts"; String Description "Raw detector counts per measured polarization (V, H, P, M, L, R) for 34 GHz channel."; String Shape "ObsRate_PolMeas_Array"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String Units "counts"; } /Dimensions/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/"; } /Dimensions/AncFile/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/AncFile/"; String Description "Number of ancillary input files."; UInt32 Size 5; } /Dimensions/CalAccumRate/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/CalAccumRate/"; String Description "Output rate of calibration parameter extraction."; UInt32 Size 3966; } /Dimensions/CalRate/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/CalRate/"; String Description "Output rate of calibration-derived gains."; UInt32 Size 3965; } /Dimensions/DemuxCh/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/DemuxCh/"; String Description "Demuxed housekeeping channel."; UInt32 Size 24; } /Dimensions/EprPos/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/EprPos/"; String Description "Poistion of EPR."; UInt32 Size 20; } /Dimensions/Five/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/Five/"; String Description "Dimension of size 5, for T Cal matrix."; UInt32 Size 5; } /Dimensions/FrameRate/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/FrameRate/"; String Description "1 Hz packet Rate."; UInt32 Size 3852; } /Dimensions/Gap/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/Gap/"; String Description "Number of gaps."; UInt32 Size 0; } /Dimensions/History/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/History/"; String Description "Size of History."; UInt32 Size 3; } /Dimensions/HkCh/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/HkCh/"; String Description "Housekeeping channel."; UInt32 Size 22; } /Dimensions/InputPtr/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/InputPtr/"; String Description "Number of primary input files."; UInt32 Size 5; } /Dimensions/MeasPerFrame/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/MeasPerFrame/"; String Description "200 Hz x 3 ch x 6 for 1 frame."; UInt32 Size 3600; } /Dimensions/MuxCh/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/MuxCh/"; String Description "Muxed housekeeping channel."; UInt32 Size 5; } /Dimensions/ObsPerFrame/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/ObsPerFrame/"; String Description "200 Hz instrument rate for 1 frame."; UInt32 Size 200; } /Dimensions/ObsRate/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/ObsRate/"; String Description "200 Hz instrument rate."; UInt32 Size 770400; } /Dimensions/PolMeas/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/PolMeas/"; String Description "6-components of measured polarization (V, H, P, M, L, R)."; UInt32 Size 6; } /Dimensions/RowsPerFrame/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/RowsPerFrame/"; String Description "Num obs rows per frame."; UInt32 Size 10; } /Dimensions/Spatial/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/Spatial/"; String Description "X, Y, Z"; UInt32 Size 3; } /Dimensions/SpectralCh/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/SpectralCh/"; String Description "Frequency channel."; UInt32 Size 3; } /Dimensions/Stokes/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/Stokes/"; String Description "4-component Stokes vector (vert, horiz, v3, v4)."; UInt32 Size 4; } /Dimensions/TempTimeCoef/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Dimensions/TempTimeCoef/"; String Description "Coefficient of fitted hk temp vs time."; UInt32 Size 4; } /FrameHeader/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/FrameHeader/"; } /FrameHeader/frame_index { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/FrameHeader/frame_index"; String Description "Orbit granule frame index array for chunking realignment."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Signed16"; } /FrameHeader/frame_qual_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/FrameHeader/frame_qual_flag"; String Description "Packet processing bit field; 0: prev pkt missing, 1: corrected timecode secs, 2: corrected timecode frac, 3: post-corr out-of-order pkt time, 4: post-corr out-of-order fp time, 5: timecode stutter correction, 6: diag pkt, 7: download pkt, 8: unknown pkt type, 9: invalid pkt time, 10: no valid epr counts, 12: exceeded 2 epr rollovers, 13: encoder gap exceeds 1s, 14: rejected non-mono encoder time."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; } /FrameHeader/frame_time_string { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/FrameHeader/frame_time_string"; String Description "UTC instrument packet time."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /FrameHeader/frame_time_tai93 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/FrameHeader/frame_time_tai93"; String Description "TAI93 instrument packet time."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "s"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/att_source_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/att_source_flag"; String Description "Attitude source; -1: unspecified, 0: transition, 1: flexcore nominal, 2: flexcore trac1 only, 3: flexcore trac2 only, 4: direct trac1, 5: direct trac2, 6: fixed tracker, 7: issbad sto."; Int16 Maximum 7; Int16 Minimum -1; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/earth_az_ang { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/earth_az_ang"; String Description "Satellite azimuth angle wrt Earth observation."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/earth_inc_ang { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/earth_inc_ang"; String Description "Satellite zenith angle wrt Earth observation."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/earth_norm_ecr { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/earth_norm_ecr"; String Description "Earth normal unit vector at obs point in the Earth Centered Rotational (ECR) coordinates (X, Y, Z)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Spatial_Array"; String Type "Float32"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/earth_pol_rot { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/earth_pol_rot"; String Description "Geometric polarization rotation angle wrt vertical at Earth observation."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/eph_source_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/eph_source_flag"; String Description "Ephemeris source; -1: unspecified, 0: transition, 1: gps, 2: issbad sto."; Int16 Maximum 2; Int16 Minimum -1; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/fore_aft_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/fore_aft_flag"; String Description "0: observation is forward scan, 1: observation is aft scan, -1: unknown."; Int16 Maximum 1; Int16 Minimum -1; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/instr_boresight_ecr { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/instr_boresight_ecr"; String Description "Boresight unit vector in the Earth Centered Rotational (ECR) coordinates (X, Y, Z)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Spatial_Array"; String Type "Float32"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/instr_h_pol_ecr { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/instr_h_pol_ecr"; String Description "H-pol unit vector in the Earth Centered Rotational (ECR) coordinates (X, Y, Z)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Spatial_Array"; String Type "Float32"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/instr_scan_ang { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/instr_scan_ang"; String Description "Boresight scan angle in the instrument coordinate frame."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/land_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/land_flag"; String Description "0: ocean, 1: possible land, 2: land, -1: unknown."; Int16 Maximum 2; Int16 Minimum -1; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/obs_index { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/obs_index"; String Description "Orbit granule obs index array for chunking realignment."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed32"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lat { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lat"; String Description "Observation latitude on Earth WGS84 elipsoid."; Float32 Maximum 90.; Float32 Minimum -90.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lon { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/obs_lon"; String Description "Observation longitude on Earth WGS84 elipsoid."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum -180.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/rain_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/rain_flag"; String Description "0: no rain, 1: possible rain, 2: rain, -1: unknown."; Int16 Maximum 1; Int16 Minimum -1; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_alt { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_alt"; String Description "Satellite altitude above Earth WGS84 elipsoid."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "m"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_caa { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_caa"; String Description "Satellite compass angle (needs clariation)."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lat { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lat"; String Description "Sub-satellite latitude."; Float32 Maximum 90.; Float32 Minimum -90.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lon { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lon"; String Description "Sub-satellite longitude."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum -180.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lunar_az { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lunar_az"; String Description "The angle in the spacecraft reference from x-axis to the lunar vector projected onto the spacecraft x-y plane, measured counterclockwise (observer looking zenith; negative z-azis)."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lunar_zen { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_lunar_zen"; String Description "The angle in the spacecraft reference from zenith vector to lunar vector."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_pitch { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_pitch"; String Description "Satellite pitch angle."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum -180.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_pos_eci { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_pos_eci"; String Description "Satellite position in the Earth Centered inertial (ECI) coordinates (X, Y, Z)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Spatial_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "m"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_pos_ecr { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_pos_ecr"; String Description "Satellite position in the Earth Centered Rotational (ECR) coordinates (X, Y, Z)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Spatial_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "m"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_roll { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_roll"; String Description "Satellite roll angle."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum -180.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_solar_az { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_solar_az"; String Description "The angle in the orbital reference from x-axis to the solar vector projected onto the spacecraft x-y plane, measured counterclockwise (observer looking zenith; negative z-azis)."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_solar_zen { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_solar_zen"; String Description "The angle in the orbital reference from zenith vector to solar vector."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_vel_ecr { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_vel_ecr"; String Description "Satellite velocity in ECR Coordinates (dx/dt, dy/dy, dz/dt)."; String Shape "ObsRate_Spatial_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "m/s"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sat_yaw { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sat_yaw"; String Description "Satellite yaw angle."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum -180.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sc_att_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sc_att_flag"; String Description "0: nominal spacecraft attitude, 1: off-nominal spacecraft attitude, -1: unknown."; Int16 Maximum 1; Int16 Minimum -1; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sc_scan_ang { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sc_scan_ang"; String Description "Boresight scan angle relative to the spacecraft velocity vector in the spacecraft coordinate frame."; Float32 Maximum 360.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sea_ice_flag { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sea_ice_flag"; String Description "0: no ice, 1: possible ice, 2: ice, -1: unknown."; Int16 Maximum 2; Int16 Minimum -1; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Signed8"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/sun_glint_ang { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/sun_glint_ang"; String Description "Angle between specular reflection vector and vector to Sun relative to surface normal."; Float32 Maximum 180.; Float32 Minimum 0.; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "deg"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/time_string { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/time_string"; String Description "UTC Earth observation time."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /GeolocationAndFlags/time_tai93 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/GeolocationAndFlags/time_tai93"; String Description "TAI93 Earth observation time."; String Shape "ObsRate_Array"; String Type "Float64"; String Units "s"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/hk_counts { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/hk_counts"; String Description "Raw housekeeping counts after channel demuxing."; String Shape "FrameRate_DemuxCh_Array"; String Type "Unsigned16"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/hk_counts_cal_hi { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/hk_counts_cal_hi"; String Description "Calibration high reference count for demuxed housekeeping channel."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Unsigned16"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/hk_counts_cal_lo { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/hk_counts_cal_lo"; String Description "Calibration low reference count for demuxed housekeeping channel."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Unsigned16"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_cal_hi { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_cal_hi"; String Description "Calibration high temperature reference for demuxed housekeeping channel."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_cal_lo { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_cal_lo"; String Description "Calibration low temperature reference for demuxed housekeeping channel."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_coupler_h { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_coupler_h"; String Description "Measured temperature of hPol coupler."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_coupler_v { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_coupler_v"; String Description "Measured temperature of vPol coupler."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_dac { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_dac"; String Description "Measured temperature of data acquisition controller."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_feed_horn { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_feed_horn"; String Description "Measured temperature of feed horn."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_ns1 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_ns1"; String Description "Measured temperature of noise source #1."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_ns2 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_ns2"; String Description "Measured temperature of noise source #2."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_nsca_h { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_nsca_h"; String Description "Measured temperature of hPol noise source combiner assembly."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_nsca_v { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_nsca_v"; String Description "Measured temperature of vPol noise source combiner assembly."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_omt_h { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_omt_h"; String Description "Measured temperature of hPol orthomode transducer."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_omt_v { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_omt_v"; String Description "Measured temperature of vPol orthomode transducer."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pbu2 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pbu2"; String Description "Measured temperature of polarimetric backend unit #2."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pbu3 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pbu3"; String Description "Measured temperature of polarimetric backend unit #3."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pcu1 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pcu1"; String Description "Measured temperature of power converter unit #1."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pcu2 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_pcu2"; String Description "Measured temperature of power converter unit #2."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_rech_1823 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_rech_1823"; String Description "Measured temperature of hPol receiver for 18/23 GHz detector channels."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_rech_34 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_rech_34"; String Description "Measured temperature of hPol receiver for 34 GHz detector channel."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_rech_dplxr { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_rech_dplxr"; String Description "Measured temperature of hPol receiver diplexer."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_recv_1823 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_recv_1823"; String Description "Measured temperature of vPol receiver for 18/23 GHz detector channels."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_recv_34 { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_recv_34"; String Description "Measured temperature of vPol receiver for 34 GHz detector channel."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_recv_dplxr { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_recv_dplxr"; String Description "Measured temperature of vPol receiver diplexer."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_wg_h { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_wg_h"; String Description "Measured temperature of hPol wave guide."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /InstrumentTemperatures/temp_wg_v { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/InstrumentTemperatures/temp_wg_v"; String Description "Measured temperature of vPol wave guide."; String Shape "FrameRate_Array"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "K"; } /Metadata/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/"; } /Metadata/AncillaryDataDescriptors { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/AncillaryDataDescriptors"; String Description "The file names of the ancillary data files that were used to generate this product (ancillary data sets include all input files except for the primary input files)."; String Shape "AncFile_Array"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/BuildId { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/BuildId"; String Description "The ID of build which included the software that created this product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/CalSmoothingHalfWidth { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/CalSmoothingHalfWidth"; String Description "Calibration smoothing window half-width."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "s"; } /Metadata/ChunkNumber { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ChunkNumber"; String Description "A chunk counter used when the granule is subdivided for processing."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "Signed16"; } /Metadata/CollectionLabel { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/CollectionLabel"; String Description "Label of the data collection containing this product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/DataFormatType { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/DataFormatType"; String Description "A character string thst indentifies the internal format of the data product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Metadata/GranuleNumber { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GranuleNumber"; String Description "A granule counter for the mission."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "Signed32"; } /Metadata/GranulePointer { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/GranulePointer"; String Description "The filename of this product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/HDFVersionId { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/HDFVersionId"; String Description "A character string that identifies the version of the HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) software that was used to generate this data file."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/InputPointer { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/InputPointer"; String Description "A pointer to one or more data granules that provide the major input that was used to generate this product."; String Shape "InputPtr_Array"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/InstrumentShortName { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/InstrumentShortName"; String Description "The name of the instrument that collected the telemetry data."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/LongName { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/LongName"; String Description "A complete descriptive name for the data type of this product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/PlatformLongName { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/PlatformLongName"; String Description "The long name of the platform hosting the instrument."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/PlatformShortName { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/PlatformShortName"; String Description "The short name of the platform hosting the instrument."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/PlatformType { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/PlatformType"; String Description "The type of platform associated with the instrument which acquires the accompanying data."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/ProcessingLevel { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProcessingLevel"; String Description "Indicates data level (Level 0, Level 1A, Level 1B, Level 1C, Level 2) in this product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/ProducerAgency { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProducerAgency"; String Description "Identification of the agency that provides the project funding."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/ProducerInstitution { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProducerInstitution"; String Description "Identification of the institution that provides project management."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/ProductionDateTime { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProductionDateTime"; String Description "The date and time at which the product was created (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ)."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Metadata/ProductionLocation { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProductionLocation"; String Description "Facility in which this file was produced."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/ProductionLocationCode { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProductionLocationCode"; String Description "One-letter code in filename indicating the ProductionLocation."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Metadata/ProjectId { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ProjectId"; String Description "The project identification string."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/QAGranulePointer { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/QAGranulePointer"; String Description "A pointer to the quality assessment product that was generated with this product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/RangeBeginningDate { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/RangeBeginningDate"; String Description "The date on which the earliest data contained in the product were acquired (yyyy-mm-dd)."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Metadata/RangeBeginningTime { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/RangeBeginningTime"; String Description "The time at which the earliest data contained in the product were acquired (hh:mm:ss.mmmZ)."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Metadata/RangeEndingDate { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/RangeEndingDate"; String Description "The date on which the latest data contained in the product were acquired (yyyy-mm-dd)."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Metadata/RangeEndingTime { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/RangeEndingTime"; String Description "The time at which the latest data contained in the product were acquired (hh:mm:ss.mmmZ)."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "FixLenStr"; } /Metadata/SISName { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/SISName"; String Description "The name of the document describing the contents of the product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/SISVersion { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/SISVersion"; String Description "The version of the document describing the contents of the product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/ShortName { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/ShortName"; String Description "The short name identifying the data type of this product."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; } /Metadata/SizeMBECSDataGranule { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Metadata/SizeMBECSDataGranule"; String Description "The size of this data granule in Megabytes."; String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "Float32"; String Units "Megabytes"; } /Shapes/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/"; } /Shapes/AncFile_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/AncFile_Array/"; String Dimensions "AncFile"; UInt32 Rank 1; } /Shapes/CalAccumRate_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalAccumRate_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalAccumRate"; UInt32 Rank 1; } /Shapes/CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalAccumRate", "SpectralCh", "PolMeas"; UInt32 Rank 3; } /Shapes/CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalAccumRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalAccumRate", "SpectralCh", "Stokes"; UInt32 Rank 3; } /Shapes/CalRate_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate"; UInt32 Rank 1; } /Shapes/CalRate_EprPos_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_EprPos_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "EprPos"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_History_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_History_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "History"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_HkCh_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_HkCh_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "HkCh"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_MeasPerFrame_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_MeasPerFrame_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "MeasPerFrame"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_MuxCh_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_MuxCh_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "MuxCh"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_ObsPerFrame_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_ObsPerFrame_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "ObsPerFrame"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_RowsPerFrame_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_RowsPerFrame_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "RowsPerFrame"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "SpectralCh"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Five_Five_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Five_Five_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "SpectralCh", "Five", "Five"; UInt32 Rank 4; } /Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "SpectralCh", "PolMeas"; UInt32 Rank 3; } /Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Stokes_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_PolMeas_Stokes_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "SpectralCh", "PolMeas", "Stokes"; UInt32 Rank 4; } /Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "SpectralCh", "Stokes"; UInt32 Rank 3; } /Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_PolMeas_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/CalRate_SpectralCh_Stokes_PolMeas_Array/"; String Dimensions "CalRate", "SpectralCh", "Stokes", "PolMeas"; UInt32 Rank 4; } /Shapes/FrameRate_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/FrameRate_Array/"; String Dimensions "FrameRate"; UInt32 Rank 1; } /Shapes/FrameRate_DemuxCh_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/FrameRate_DemuxCh_Array/"; String Dimensions "FrameRate", "DemuxCh"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/Gap_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/Gap_Array/"; String Dimensions "Gap"; UInt32 Rank 1; } /Shapes/InputPtr_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/InputPtr_Array/"; String Dimensions "InputPtr"; UInt32 Rank 1; } /Shapes/ObsRate_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/ObsRate_Array/"; String Dimensions "ObsRate"; UInt32 Rank 1; } /Shapes/ObsRate_PolMeas_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/ObsRate_PolMeas_Array/"; String Dimensions "ObsRate", "PolMeas"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/ObsRate_Spatial_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/ObsRate_Spatial_Array/"; String Dimensions "ObsRate", "Spatial"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/ObsRate_SpectralCh_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/ObsRate_SpectralCh_Array/"; String Dimensions "ObsRate", "SpectralCh"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/ObsRate_Stokes_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/ObsRate_Stokes_Array/"; String Dimensions "ObsRate", "Stokes"; UInt32 Rank 2; } /Shapes/Scalar/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/Scalar/"; UInt32 Rank 0; } /Shapes/TempTimeCoef_Array/ { String HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH "/Shapes/TempTimeCoef_Array/"; String Dimensions "TempTimeCoef"; UInt32 Rank 1; } }