Attributes { T2 { } XLAT { } XLONG { String comments "original"; Int32 success -1; } testname { String comments "changed name"; Int32 success -1; } XLONG2 { String comments "explicity cast to Float32"; Int32 success -1; } XLONG3 { String comments "changed datatype to Float64"; Int32 success 0; } XLONG4 { String comments "explicit cast to Float64 then back to Float32"; Int32 success -1; } XLONG5 { Int32 success -1; String comments "removed singleton dimension"; } NC_GLOBAL { String comments "Copied T2,XLONG,XLAT from src NetCDF file using NCO. Added versions of XLONG using different creation permutations using pydap. XLONG variables below include a variable attribute, success, equal to 0,1,2, or -1 to indicate that both pydap and Ferret, only pydap, only Ferret, and neither pydap or Ferret were successful in reading from the dataset via OPeNDAP using the code referenced below."; String references ","; } DODS_EXTRA { String Unlimited_Dimension "Time"; } }