Attributes { depth { String long_name "Bathymetry"; String standard_name "sea_floor_depth_below_geoid"; String units "m"; String positive "down"; String grid "Bathymetry_Mesh"; String coordinates "lat lon"; String type "data"; } nv { String long_name "nodes surrounding element"; } NC_GLOBAL { String title "Testbed tropical IKE 3D storm surge simulation with inclusion of wave"; String institution "Data prepared by USF L. Zheng"; String source "FVCOM v3.1"; String contact ""; String history "Thu Jan 12 13:58:19 2012: ncks -v nv,depth Model started at 12:00 on 08/20/2008 and finished at 12:00 on 07/17/2008"; String references ""; String NCO "4.0.8"; } }