Dataset Information

title: NECOFS GOM3 (FVCOM) - Northeast US - Latest Forecast
institution: School for Marine Science and Technology
source: FVCOM_3.0
history: Sat Nov 2 05:24:55 2013: ncrcat -O -v x,y,lat,lon,xc,yc,lonc,latc,siglay,siglev,nv,nbe,aw0,awx,awy,h,temp,salinity,u,v,ww,ua,va,zeta,icing_0kts,icing_10kts,Times -d time,4176,4320 /data01/necofs/FVCOM/beta_test_gom3v7/ -o /data01/necofs/NECOFS_NC/ model started at: 10/05/2013 11:15
Conventions: CF-1.0
CoordinateSystem: Cartesian
CoordinateProjection: init=nad83:1802
Tidal_Forcing: Tidal Forcing Time Series Title: JULIAN FVCOM TIDAL FORCING DATA CREATED FROM OLD FILE TYPE: No comments found... this is mystery data!
Surface_Heat_Forcing: FVCOM variable surface heat forcing file: FILE SOURCE:wrf2fvcom version 0.13 (2007-07-19) (Bulk method: COARE 2.6Z) MET DATA START DATE:2013-04-30_00:00:00
Surface_Wind_Forcing: FVCOM variable surface Wind forcing: FILE SOURCE:wrf2fvcom version 0.13 (2007-07-19) (Bulk method: COARE 2.6Z) MET DATA START DATE:2013-04-30_00:00:00
Surface_PrecipEvap_Forcing: FVCOM periodic surface precip forcing: FILE SOURCE:wrf2fvcom version 0.13 (2007-07-19) (Bulk method: COARE 2.6Z) MET DATA START DATE:2013-04-30_00:00:00
Icing_Model_Forcing: FVCOM variable surface icing forcing: FILE SOURCE:wrf2fvcom version 0.13 (2007-07-19) (Bulk method: COARE 2.6Z) MET DATA START DATE:2013-04-30_00:00:00
Special_Physical_processes: long shore flow adjustment for thermal wind and wind driven setup
nco_openmp_thread_number: 1
cdm_data_type: any
summary: Latest forecast from the FVCOM Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System using an newer, higher-resolution GOM3 mesh (GOM2 was the preceding mesh)
Unlimited_Dimension: time

Variables in this Dataset

x: Array of 32 bit Reals [node = 0..51215]
long_name: nodal x-coordinate
units: meters
y: Array of 32 bit Reals [node = 0..51215]
long_name: nodal y-coordinate
units: meters
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [node = 0..51215]
long_name: nodal longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [node = 0..51215]
long_name: nodal latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
xc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nele = 0..95721]
long_name: zonal x-coordinate
units: meters
yc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nele = 0..95721]
long_name: zonal y-coordinate
units: meters
lonc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nele = 0..95721]
long_name: zonal longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
latc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nele = 0..95721]
long_name: zonal latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
siglay: Array of 32 bit Reals [siglay = 0..39][node = 0..51215]
long_name: Sigma Layers
standard_name: ocean_sigma_coordinate
positive: up
valid_min: -1.000000000000000
valid_max: 0.000000000000000
formula_terms: sigma: siglay eta: zeta depth: h
h: Array of 32 bit Reals [node = 0..51215]
long_name: Bathymetry
standard_name: sea_floor_depth_below_geoid
units: m
grid: Bathymetry_Mesh
coordinates: lat lon
type: data
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: node
nv: Array of 32 bit Integers [three = 0..2][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: nodes surrounding element
cf_role: face_node_connnectivity
start_index: 1
time: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144]
long_name: time
units: days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00
format: modified julian day (MJD)
time_zone: UTC
Times: Array of Strings [time = 0..144]
time_zone: UTC
string_length: 26
zeta: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][node = 0..51215]
long_name: Water Surface Elevation
units: meters
standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_geoid
coordinates: time lat lon
type: data
missing_value: -999.0000000000000
field: elev, scalar
coverage_content_type: modelResult
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: node
nbe: Array of 32 bit Integers [three = 0..2][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: elements surrounding each element
aw0: Array of 32 bit Reals [three = 0..2][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: aw0
awx: Array of 32 bit Reals [three = 0..2][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: awx
awy: Array of 32 bit Reals [three = 0..2][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: awy
u: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][siglay = 0..39][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: Eastward Water Velocity
units: meters s-1
grid: fvcom_grid
type: data
missing_value: -999.0000000000000
field: ua, scalar
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: eastward_sea_water_velocity
coordinates: time siglay latc lonc
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: face
v: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][siglay = 0..39][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: Northward Water Velocity
units: meters s-1
grid: fvcom_grid
type: data
missing_value: -999.0000000000000
field: va, scalar
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: northward_sea_water_velocity
coordinates: time siglay latc lonc
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: face
ww: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][siglay = 0..39][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: Upward Water Velocity
units: meters s-1
grid: fvcom_grid
type: data
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: upward_sea_water_velocity
coordinates: time siglay latc lonc
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: face
ua: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: Vertically Averaged x-velocity
units: meters s-1
grid: fvcom_grid
type: data
missing_value: -999.0000000000000
field: ua, scalar
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: barotropic_eastward_sea_water_velocity
coordinates: time latc lonc
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: face
va: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][nele = 0..95721]
long_name: Vertically Averaged y-velocity
units: meters s-1
grid: fvcom_grid
type: data
missing_value: -999.0000000000000
field: va, scalar
coverage_content_type: modelResult
standard_name: barotropic_northward_sea_water_velocity
coordinates: time latc lonc
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: face
temp: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][siglay = 0..39][node = 0..51215]
long_name: temperature
standard_name: sea_water_potential_temperature
units: degrees_C
grid: fvcom_grid
coordinates: time siglay lat lon
type: data
coverage_content_type: modelResult
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: node
salinity: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][siglay = 0..39][node = 0..51215]
long_name: salinity
standard_name: sea_water_salinity
units: 1
grid: fvcom_grid
coordinates: time siglay lat lon
type: data
coverage_content_type: modelResult
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: node
icing_0kts: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][node = 0..51215]
long_name: Icing Hazard@0knots
units: m C s^-1
grid: fvcom_grid
type: data
coordinates: time lat lon
coverage_content_type: modelResult
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: node
icing_10kts: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..144][node = 0..51215]
long_name: Icing Hazard@10knots
units: m C s^-1
grid: fvcom_grid
type: data
coordinates: time lat lon
coverage_content_type: modelResult
mesh: fvcom_mesh
location: node
fvcom_mesh: 32 bit Integer
cf_role: mesh_topology
topology_dimension: 2
node_coordinates: lon lat
face_coordinates: lonc latc
face_node_connectivity: nv